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Ensk-íslensk orðabók

Icelandic-English translation for: well-read
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Dictionary Icelandic English: well read

Translation 1 - 50 of 155  >>

SYNO   knowing | knowledgeable | learned ... 
mennt. fjöllesinn {adj}well-read
fróður {adj}well-read
Partial Matches
lesato read
bókm. fjöllesinn {adj}widely read
víðlesinn {adj}widely read
lesaðgangur {k}read access
lesréttur {k}read access
tölvufr. leshaus {k}read head
Unverified upplestur {k}read-aloud
yfirferð {kv}read-through
yfirlestur {k}read-through
þaullesa e-ðto read sth. carefully
lesa fréttirto read the news
tölvufr. lesminni {hv}read-only memory <ROM>
fluglæs {adj}able to read fluently
orðtak lesa á milli línannato read between the lines
vera allæsto be able to read fluently
taka e-n í bakaríiðto read sb. the riot act [coll.]
hress {adj} [heilsugóður]well
jæja {adv}well
vel {adv}well
brunnur {k}well
vatnsból {hv}well
allt eins {adv}as well
líka {adv}as well
feiknavel {adv}extremely well
prýðisvel {adv}extremely well
ágætlega {adv}pretty well
afbragðsvel {adv}very well
mjög vel {adv}very well
framarlega {adv}well ahead
skipulegur {adj} [vel saminn]well composed
vel steiktur {adj}well done
fjár. fjársterkur {adj}well funded
vandaður {adj} [vel gerður]well made
efnaður {adj}well off
þrautskipulagður {adj}well organized
afþreyttur {adj}well rested
úthvíldur {adj}well rested
þrautþjálfaður {adj}well trained
fjölmennur {adj}well-attended
fjölsóttur {adj}well-attended
prúður {adj}well-behaved
þægur {adj}well-behaved
fágaður {adj} {past-p}well-bred
maklegur {adj}well-deserved
réttmætur {adj} [verðskuldaður]well-deserved
velviljaður {adj}well-disposed
gróinn {adj} [traustur]well-established
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