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Icelandic-English translation for: was!
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Dictionary Icelandic English: was

Translation 1 - 28 of 28

VERB1  to be | [I/he/she/it] was/wis [Scot.]// [you/we/they] were | been ... 
VERB2  to be better off | was/were better off | been better off ... 
VERB3  to be charged with murder | was/were charged with murder | had been charged with murder ... 
[ég] var[I] was
3 Words
Unverified Hann hélt fram hjá.He was unfaithful.
það var eins gottit was fortunate
Þetta var (alveg) magnað!That was awesome!
Það varð úr ...The outcome was ...
4 Words
Það var allt í pati.Everything was in confusion.
Hann var jafnnær.He was no wiser.
Hann var þar fyrir.He was there already.
Ég var bara þykjast.I was just pretending.
Mér vildi það til.I was so lucky.
Mér varð það til happs.I was so lucky.
Það kom á mig.I was taken aback.
Málinu var vísað frá.The case was dismissed.
Unverified Það var uppi fótur og fit.There was an uproar.
5+ Words
eins og nærri getaas was to be expected
Það komu vöflur á hann.He was at a loss.
Hann var hafður engu.He was not listened to.
Fölvi hans var augljóst merki um slæma heilsu.His pallor was evidence of ill health.
Ég ætlaði fara gera þetta.I was about to do it.
John sagði hugmynd þín væri heimskuleg. - Já, er það?John said your idea was stupid. - Indeed!
Hún sagðist vera þreytt.She said she was tired.
Hún bar poka út í búð.She was carrying a bag to the store.
Ég tók það svo.That was how I understood it.
Bókin gekk á milli.The book was passed round / around.
Þetta æxlaðist svo . . .The course of events was such that . . .
Þetta æxlaðist svo . . .The way things turned out was . . .
það var mikill öldugangurthere was a heavy swell
Það var fátt með þeim.There was no love lost between them.
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