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Ensk-íslensk orðabók

Icelandic-English translation for: to preproperate sth
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Dictionary Icelandic English: to preproperate sth

Translation 1 - 50 of 3164  >>

flana e-uto preproperate sth. [to do too soon]
Partial Matches
jafna e-u samanto compare sth. with sth.
taka e-ð fram yfir annaðto prefer sth. to sth. else
þrykkja e-ð á e-ðto print sth. on sth. [especially graphics]
þrífa e-ð úr e-uto snatch sth. from / out of sth.
Unverified vera í e-u utan yfir (e-ð)to wear sth. over (sth.)
e-ð út úr e-uto get sth. out of sth.
fylla e-ð með e-uto charge sth. with sth. [load to capacity]
láta e-ð ofan í e-ðto put sth. in / into sth.
hlaða e-ð með e-uto charge sth. with sth. [to load firearm, battery]
Unverified svipta e-u ofan af e-uto sweep sth. off sth. [take away]
vilja e-ð frekar en e-ð annaðto prefer sth. to sth. else
rukka e-ð fyrir e-ðto charge sth. for sth. [demand a price]
taka e-ð fyrir e-ðto charge sth. for sth. [set a price]
Unverified kjósa e-ð heldur en e-ð annaðto prefer sth. to sth. else
þræða e-ð upp á e-ðto thread sth. on sth.
þræða e-ð í gegnum e-ðto thread sth. through sth.
pota e-u í e-ðto tuck sth. into sth. else
pota e-u í e-ðto prod sth. into sth. else
þjappa e-u inn í e-ðto pack sth. into sth.
verja e-ð fyrir e-uto protect sth. against / from sth.
yfirfæra e-ð e-ð)to superimpose sth. (on / onto sth.)
vinda e-ð upp á e-ðto wind sth. around sth.
Unverified keyra e-ð í e-ð [slá af afli]to hit sth. hard (with sth.)
fergja e-ð (með e-u)to weight down sth. (with sth.) [hold it down]
bera e-ð á/í e-ðto apply sth. to/on sth. [put on]
einskorða e-ð við e-ðto limit sth. to sth.
núa e-u í e-ðto rub sth. into sth.
vefja e-u um e-ðto wrap sth. around sth.
aðlaga e-ð (e-u)to adjust sth. (at / to sth.)
fylla e-ð (með e-u)to fill sth. (with sth.)
vefja e-u um e-ðto wind sth. around sth.
pressa e-ð úr e-uto squeeze sth. from sth.
úða e-ð (með e-u)to spray sth. (with sth.)
Unverified kippa e-u af e-uto pull sth. off sth.
taka e-ð af e-uto remove sth. from sth.
hafa e-ð til e-sto use sth. for sth.
álykta e-ð (af e-u)to infer sth. (from sth.)
álykta e-ð (af e-u)to deduce sth. (from sth.)
eyrnamerkja e-ð e-uto earmark sth. for sth. [reserve]
álykta e-ð (af e-u)to conclude sth. (from sth.)
eyrnamerkja e-ð e-uto allocate sth. for sth.
kalla e-n/e-ð e-ðto call sb./sth. sth.
framkvæmato execute sth.
handan e-s {prep}beyond sth.
eitthvað {pron} <e-ð>something <sth.>
áætla e-ðto plan sth.
kasta e-uto hurl sth.
kasta e-uto fling sth.
hestam. beisla e-ðto bridle sth.
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