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Ensk-íslensk orðabók

Icelandic-English translation for: to be in the lead
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Dictionary Icelandic English: to be in the lead

Translation 1 - 50 of 2610  >>

vera í fylkingarbroddito be in the lead
vera í fararbroddito be in the lead
Partial Matches
vera fyrirto be in the way
vera í plústo be in the green
vera í bígerðto be in the pipeline [fig.]
nenna e-uto be in the mood for sth.
vera aðþrengdurto be in the hot seat [be in difficulties]
Unverified vera í miðju kafi [óeiginl.]to be in the middle of doing sth.
eiga vanda til e-sto be in the habit of doing sth.
leggja e-ð í vana sinnto be in the habit of doing sth.
vera vanur gera e-ðto be in the habit of doing sth.
vera potturinn og pannan í e-uto be the moving spirit in an enterprise
Unverified vera framarlega á sínu sviðito be one of the leading people in one's field
tíðkastto be the custom
álíta ...to be of the opinion that ...
varða við lögto be against the law
vera engu nærto be none the wiser
Unverified tilheyra fortíðinnito be thing of the past
vera aðhlátursefnito be the subject of ridicule
vera í varnarstöðuto be on the defensive
vera á uppleiðto be on the rise
vera einito be the only one
vera uppdubbaðurto be dressed to the nines
vera á faraldsfætito be on the move
Unverified vera á flækingito be on the road
Unverified vera utanveltuto be the odd man out
vera á kreikito be on the move
vera á flóttato be on the run
vera viðlátinnto be on the scene [idiom]
vera úr leikto be out of the game
vera (alveg) á nippinuto be on the verge
til vonar og vara {adv}to be on the safe side
valda e-uto be the cause of sth.
vera í alfaraleiðto be located by the highway
dýr vera í göngumto be rounding up the sheep
vera út úr kortinuto be beyond the pale
vera jafngildur e-uto be the equivalent of sth.
falla undir e-nto be the business of sb.
vera ekki ómaksins vertto be not worth the effort
falla undir e-nto be the responsibility of sb.
vera út úr kortinuto be out of the question
verða til e-sto be the cause of sth.
fara frjálslega með sannleikannto be creative with the truth
engri áttto be completely out of the question
vera þögull sem gröfinto be silent as the grave
Fundurinn verður á morgun.The meeting will be held tomorrow.
koma ekki til greinato be out of the question
koma ekki til málato be out of the question
Unverified vera e-ð uppmálaðto be the personification of sth.
Unverified vera e-ð uppmálaðto be the very picture of sth.
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