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Ensk-íslensk orðabók

Icelandic-English translation for: short-finned
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Dictionary Icelandic English: short finned

Translation 1 - 64 of 64

Keywords contained
dýr T
Partial Matches
dýr T
skammur {adj}short
stuttur {adj}short
ör- {adj} [neitandi]short of
ódrjúgur {adj}short-lasting
skammlífur {adj}short-lived
fatn. ermastuttur {adj}short-sleeved
skammvinnur {adj}short-term
mæðinn {adj}short-winded
örskammur {adj}very short
örstuttur {adj}very short
vantato be short
æviágrip {hv}short biography
eðlisfr. rafm. skammhlaup {hv}short circuit
rafm. útsláttur {k}short circuit
spölur {k}short distance
spotti {k} [vegarspotti]short distance
innslag {hv}short episode
athugasemd {kv}short explanation
æviágrip {hv}short life
naggur {k}short man
smáskilaboð {hv} <SMS>short message
frásöguþáttur {k}short narrative
skortstaða {kv}short position
kaðalspotti {k}short rope
fjár. skortsala {kv}short selling
ávarpsorð {hv}short speech
bókm. smásaga {kv}short story
kippkorn {hv}short stretch
spölkorn {hv}short stretch
spotti {k} [vegarspotti]short stretch
steinsnar {hv}short stretch
innlit {hv}short visit
Unverified á stuttu færi {adv}at short range
andstuttur {adj}short of breath
íþr. spretthlaupari {k}short-distance runner
skammgóður vermir {k}short-lived relief
skip Unverified flutningaskip {hv}  styttri leiðum]short-sea trader
fjár. skammtímalán {hv}short-term credit
skammtímafjármögnun {kv}short-term financing
bókm. örsaga {kv}very short story
fuglafr. T
gras. T
Vertu stuttorður!Cut it short! [coll.]
vera kominn í þrot með e-ðto be short of sth.
smáskilaboðaþjónusta {kv}Short Message Service <SMS>
sálfræði skammtímaminni {hv}short-term memory <STM>
tölvufr. skyndiminni {hv}short-term memory <STM>
fyrir skömmu {adv}a short time ago
áðan {adv}a short while ago
fyrir nokkru {adv}a short while ago
fyrir skemmstu {adv}a short while ago
fyrir stuttu {adv}a short while ago
hafa nauman tímato be short of time
doka viðto wait a short time
kaðalspotti {k}short piece of rope
naumur {adj}short [pred.] [in insufficient supply]
fyrirvaralítið {adv}on short notice {adv} [Am.]
í bráð og lengd {adv}for both short and long term
lágvaxinn {adj}short [of a person: small in height]
læknisfr. fyrirhyggjuleysi {hv}short-sightedness [Br.] [also fig.: lack of foresight]
skammtímalausn {kv}short-term solution [short-term answer to a problem]
vanhaga um e-ð [e-n vanhagar um e-ð]to be short of sth. [sb. is short of sth.]
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