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Ensk-íslensk orðabók

Icelandic-English translation for: second voice
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Dictionary Icelandic English: second voice

Translation 1 - 64 of 64

NOUN   a second voice | second voices
tón. önnur rödd {kv}second voice
Partial Matches
raust {kv}voice
rödd {kv}voice
rómur {k} [hátíðlegt]voice
ásökunarrómur {k}accusatory voice
mál. germynd {kv}active voice
bókm. tón. kvenmannsrödd {kv}female voice
tón. falsetta {kv}head voice
dauf rödd {kv}hushed voice
tón. karlmannsrödd {kv}male voice
mál. miðmynd {kv}middle voice
mál. þolmynd {kv} <þm.>passive (voice)
þrumuraust {kv}stentorian voice
tón. fylgirödd {kv}supporting voice
þrumuraust {kv}thunderous voice
sópranrödd {kv}treble voice
tæk. raddgreining {kv}voice analysis
fjarsk. talpóstur {k}voice mail
barnsrödd {kv}child's voice
veikróma {adj}with weak voice
mál. mynd {kv}voice (in grammar)
undrunarrómur {k}voice of astonishment
áhyggjurödd {kv}voice of concern
óánægjurödd {kv}voice of discontent
úrtölurödd {kv} [einkum í ft.]voice of discouragement
efasemdarödd {kv}voice of doubt
ánægjurödd {kv}voice of satisfaction
þrumuraust {kv}voice of thunder
lækka röddinato lower one's voice
aðvörunarorð {hv.ft}voice of warning {sg}
mjóróma {adj}with a weak voice
pískur {hv}conversation in a low voice
annar {adj}second
næstfyrstur {adj}second
sekúnda {kv}second
Rödd hans brast í falsettu.His voice broke into a falsetto.
tón. tvíund {kv}second [interval]
annar hvor {adj}every second
annar stærsti {adj}second biggest
annar stærsti {adj}second largest
næstelstur {adj}second oldest
næstyngstur {adj}second youngest
næstbestur {adj}second-best
annars flokks {adj}second-class
notaður {adj}second-hand
stærðf. bogasekúnda {kv}arc second
úr sekúnduvísir {k}second hand
mat. ábót {kv}second helpings {pl}
útgáf. önnur prentun {kv}second impression
hern. undirlautinant {k}second lieutenant
flug aðstoðarflugmaður {k}second pilot
útgáf. önnur prentun {kv}second printing
Unverified eftirþanki {k} [einkum í ft.]second thought
stjórn. Unverified önnur atkvæðagreiðsla {kv}second vote
albestur {adj}second to none
atv. fornsali {k}second-hand dealer
nytjamarkaður {k}second-hand shop
næstsíðastur {adj}second to (the) last
sekúndubrot {hv}fraction of a second
Unverified framhaldsaðalfundur {k}second annual general meeting
frúarbíll {k} [talm.]second car [lady's car]
næstæðstur {adj}second-in-command <2i/c> [Br.]
hern. næstráðandi {k}second-in-command <2i/c> [Br.]
eftirleit {kv}second round-up [a search for the lost sheep]
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