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Icelandic-English translation for: port-wine
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Dictionary Icelandic English: port wine

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SYNO   port | port wine
vín portvín {hv}port wine
vín púrtvín {hv}port wine
læknisfr. valbrá {kv} [Naevus flammeus, Naevus vinosus]port-wine stain <PWS>
Partial Matches
höfn {kv}port
vín portvín {hv}port
vín púrtvín {hv}port
port {hv} [hlið]gateway
port {hv} [hlið]passageway
fiskiskipahöfn {kv}fishing port
skip heimahöfn {kv}home port
hern. skip flotastöð {kv}military port
flug skip bakborði {k}port (side)
skip stjórns. hafnarstjórn {kv}port authority
skip innsigling {kv}port entrance
port {hv} [hluti lóðar]courtyard
port {hv} [hluti lóðar]yard
viðsk. útflutningshöfn {kv}port of export
viðsk. innflutningshöfn {kv}port of import
skip umskipunarhöfn {kv}port of transhipment
skip viðsk. fríhöfn {kv} [tollfrjáls höfn]free port
fiskifr. T
gras. T
vínrauður {adj}wine-red
léttvín {hv}wine
vín vín {hv}wine
vín eðalvín {hv}choice wine
mat. vín glögg {hv}mulled wine
mat. vín jólaglögg {hv}mulled wine
vín eðalvín {hv}quality wine
vín rauðvín {hv}red wine
mat. hrísgrjónavín {hv}rice wine
vín freyðivín {hv}sparkling wine
vín eðalvín {hv}vintage wine
vín hvítvín {hv}white wine
vín vínbar {k}wine bar
vín vínflaska {kv}wine bottle
vín vínkjallari {k}wine cellar
vín vínmenning {kv}wine culture
atv. viðsk. vín vínsali {k}wine dealer
vín vínglas {hv}wine glass
mat. vín vínlisti {k}wine list
atv. viðsk. vín vínsali {k}wine merchant
vín vínframleiðsla {kv}wine production
vín vínsmakkari {k}wine taster
mat. vínedik {hv}wine vinegar
atv. vín vínþjónn {k}wine waiter
vín vínflaska {kv}bottle of wine
vín vínglas {hv}glass of wine
hagkerfi vín rauðvínsneysla {kv}red wine consumption
mat. vín rauðvínsglas {hv}red wine glass
vín víntegund {kv}type of wine
mat. vín hvítvínsglas {hv}white wine glass
mat. hvítvínsedik {hv}white wine vinegar
vín búbblur {kv.ft} [talm.] [freyðivín]sparkling wine
efnafr. vín vínsýra {kv} [E-334]acidity of wine
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