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Ensk-íslensk orðabók

Icelandic-English translation for: one-piece
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Dictionary Icelandic English: one piece

Translation 1 - 50 of 422  >>

Keywords contained
heill {adj} [óskaddaður]in one piece
láta e-n hafa það óþvegiðto give sb. a piece of one's mind
Partial Matches
ákvæðisgreiðsla {kv}piece-rate
frampartur {k}front piece
fatn. húsg. framstykki {hv}front piece
tón. píanóverk {hv}piano piece
afkastaálag {hv}piece rate
uppmælingartaxti {k}piece rate
ákvæðisvinna {kv}piece-work
púsl {hv}puzzle piece
íþr. fast leikatriði {hv}set piece
íþr. uppstillt leikatriði {hv}set piece
tón. einleiksverk {hv}solo piece
einslega {adv}one-on-one [between two people, e.g. conversation, meeting]
Unverified vera framarlega á sínu sviðito be one of the leading people in one's field
leikir valda mann [skák]to guard a piece
mat. kökusneið {kv}piece of cake
fatn. flík {kv}piece of clothing
fatn. spjör {kv}piece of clothing
fiskifr. fiskstykki {hv}piece of fish
mat. kjötbiti {k}piece of meat
mat. kjötstykki {hv}piece of meat
frétt {kv}piece of news
hálmstrá {hv}piece of straw
spotti {k} [snæri]piece of string
djásn {hv}piece of jewelry [Am.]
vefn. prjónaflík {kv}knitted piece of clothing
þjóðráð {hv}piece of good advice
mat. kandísmoli {k}piece of rock candy
mat. kandísmoli {k}piece of rock sugar
kaðalspotti {k}short piece of rope
djásn {hv}piece of jewellery [esp. Br.]
flytja tónverkto perform a piece of music
nema landto settle a piece of land
púsl {hv}piece of a / the puzzle
einn {k.ft} [nf.] <1>one
einhæfur {adj} [einhliða]one-sided
einhliða {adj}one-sided
einstrengingslegur {adj}one-sided
áttatíu og einneighty-one
fimmtíu og einnfifty-one
fjörutíu og einnforty-one
níutíu og einnninety-one
ekki neinn {pron}no one
enginn {pron}no one
neinn {pron}no one
ekki neinn {pron}not one
Bíddu við!One moment!
enn einn {adv}one more
eitt þúsundone thousand
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