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Ensk-íslensk orðabók

Icelandic-English translation for: on-the-go
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Dictionary Icelandic English: on the go

Translation 1 - 50 of 1565  >>

Keywords contained
fara út bæ)to go out on the town
Partial Matches
varato go on
gerastto go on [happen]
fara um borðto go on board
ganga [fara á fæti]to go on foot
fara í fríto go on holiday
fara eftirlitsferðto go on patrol
slá e-u föstuto go firm on sth.
fjölyrða um e-ðto go on about sth.
láta e-ð viðgangastto let sth. go on
leggja land undir fótto go on a journey
trúarbr. fara í pílagrímsferðto go on a pilgrimage
ganga sinn vanagangto go on as usual
hafa e-ð fyrir sér í e-uto have sth. to go on
leggjast í víking [gamalt]to go on a viking expedition
ganga á bak orða sinnato go back on one's word
gerast ómerkingur orða sinnato go back on one's word
fara fram úr hófito go beyond the limit
keyra um þverbakto go beyond the limit
fara forgörðumto go down the drain
fara niður stigannto go down the stairs
fara út á völlto go to the airport
fara austur á firðito go to the Eastfjords
fara til vinstrito go to the left
gera innkaupto go to the store
fara vestur á firðito go to the Westfjords
fara austur á landto go to the Eastern Region
orðtak gefa grænt ljós e-ð)to give the go-ahead (for sth.)
fara aftur fyrir e-ðto go around the back of sth.
þverbrjóta e-ðto go in the face of sth.
ganga á hljóðiðto go in the direction of the sound
Unverified fara upp á fjalliðto go to the top of the mountain
eiga ekki afturkvæmtto never get the chance to go back
við {pron}on (the)
meðaltali {adv}on the average
aftan {adv}on the back
öðru nær {adv}on the contrary
austan í móti {adv}on the eastside
innan {adv}on the inside
innanverðu {adv}on the inside
á vinstri hönd {adv}on the left
til vinstri {adv}on the left
norðan í móti {adv}on the northside
utan {adv}on the outside
utanverðu {adv}on the outside
hið ytra {adv}on the outside
utanverður {adj}on the outside
yst {adv}on the outside
yst {adv}on the outskirts
hægra megin {adv}on the right
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