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Icelandic-English translation for: non-profit
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Dictionary Icelandic English: non profit

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ADJ   non-profit | - | -
NOUN   non-profit | non-profits
þjóðnýtur {adj}non-profit
Partial Matches
hagnastto profit
ábati {k}profit
ágóði {k}profit
hagkerfi arður {k}profit
ávinningur {k}profit
hagnaður {k}profit
tekjuafgangur {k}profit
afkoma {kv} [hagnaður]profit
fengur {k} [ávinningur]profit
vinningur {k} [ávinningur]profit
í ábataskyni {adv}for profit
í ágóðaskyni {adv}for profit
í auðgunarskyni {adv}for profit
einokunargróði {k}monopoly profit
viðsk. framlegð {kv}profit margin
viðsk. hagnaðarhlutfall {hv}profit margin
ágóðaskipting {kv}profit sharing
afkomuviðvörun {kv}profit warning
viðsk. verslunargróði {k}trading profit
gagnast e-mto profit sb.
afkomuhorfur {kv.ft}profit outlook {sg}
bókh. rekstrarreikningur {k}profit and loss account [Br.]
þéna á e-uto profit from sth.
bókh. rekstrarreikningur {k}profit and loss statement <P&L>
hafa e-ð upp úr e-uto profit from sth.
óáfengur {adj}non-alcoholic
óbrjótandi {adj}non-breakable
óökufær {adj}non-drivable
óökuhæfur {adj}non-drivable
óútsettur {adj}non-exposed
sálfræði hinsegin {adj}non-heterosexual
fjár. óverðtryggður {adj}non-indexed
ólínulegur {adj}non-linear
ósamstæður {adj}non-matching
óflokksbundinn {adj}non-partisan
utanflokka {adj}non-party
ódrykkjarhæfur {adj}non-potable
óafturkræfur {adj}non-refundable
óendurnýjanlegur {adj}non-regenerative
óeftirlitsskyldur {adj}non-regulated
óstaðlaður {adj}non-standard
þrotlaust {adv}non-stop
ökut. ónegldur {adj}non-studded
ósamkvæmni {kv}non conformity
utanfélagsmaður {k}non-member
ópersónugreinanlegur {adj}non-personally identifiable
mál. fallháttur {k}non-finite form
mál. aukafallsfrumlag {hv}non-nominative subject
bíóm. leiklist ljósvak áhugaleikari {k}non-professional actor
hern. undirforingi {k}non-commissioned officer <NCO>
lögfr. stjórn. jafnræðisregla {kv}principle of non-discrimination
hern. undirforingi {k}non-com [coll.] [noncommissioned officer]
tölfr. óútsettur hópur {k} [samanburðarhópur]non-exposed group
sálfræði frjálsgerva {adj}non-binary [neither entirely male nor female]
sálfræði kynsegin {adj}non-binary [neither entirely male nor female]
nón {hv} [gamalt]three o'clock in the afternoon
Það er ekkert púður í þessu.It's a non-starter.
Einn miða í reyklausum klefa.A ticket in a non-smoker, please.
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