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Icelandic-English translation for: just discharged
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Dictionary Icelandic English: just discharged

Translation 1 - 55 of 55

læknisfr. nýútskrifaður {adj}just discharged
Partial Matches
afhlaðinn {adj} {past-p}discharged
læknisfr. útskrifaður {adj}discharged
læknisfr. nýútskrifaður {adj}newly discharged
aðeins {adv}just
einmitt {adv}just
einungis {adv}just
ósköp {adv} [bara]just
réttmætur {adj} [réttlátur]just
með naumindum {adv}just barely
Af því bara.Just because.
nýbyrjaður {adj}just begun
garð. nýútsprunginn {adj}just bloomed
Allt ágætt!Just fine!
nýbúinn {adj}just finished
nýlokinn {adj}just finished
nýlentur {adj}just landed
nýgiftur {adj}just married
nýfluttur {adj}just moved
(rétt) í þessu {adv}just now
áðan {adv}just now
núna {adv}just now
rúmlega {adv}just over
útgáf. nýútgefinn {adj}just published
útgáf. nýútkominn {adj}just published
makleg málagjöld {hv.ft}just deserts
sanngildi {hv}just value
réttlátur {adj}just [fair, equitable]
réttsýnn {adj}just [fair, equitable]
nýgiftur {adj}just hitched [coll.]
vera nýkominn með e-ðto just got sth.
rétt aðeins {adv}just a little
jafnnær {adj}just as far
alveg eins {adv} [dræmt samþykki]just as well
frumvaxta {adj} [gamalt]just grown up
Bara eina nótt.Just one night.
nýfarinn {adj}just recently gone
nývaknaður {adj}just woken up
Ég er bara grínast.I'm just kidding.
Það er þarna rétt við.It's just alongside.
vera nýorðinn e-ðto have just become sth.
jafnóðum og {adv}(just) as soon as
Ég var bara þykjast.I was just pretending.
bara pinku pons {adv} [talm.]just a little bit
örlítið {adv}just a little bit
ögn þreytturjust a little tired
jafnskjótt og {conj}just as soon as
jafnskjótt sem {conj}just as soon as
rétt handan girðingarinnarjust beyond the fence
upp á punt {adj}just for decoration purposes
Það er farið vora.Spring has just begun.
Þetta er (bara) í nösunum á honum.It's all (just) talk.
Hann er vís til þess.It's just like him to do that.
vera kominn á fremsta hunn með e-ðto be (just) on the point of doing sth.
Hann er jafnvígur á harmóniku og gítar.He is just as good at playing the accordion as he is on the guitar.
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