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Ensk-íslensk orðabók

Icelandic-English translation for: howling dog or wolf
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howling dog or wolf in other languages:

English - Icelandic

Dictionary Icelandic English: howling dog or wolf

Translation 1 - 50 of 77  >>

ýlfur {hv}howling (dog or wolf)
Partial Matches
org {hv}howling
vindgnauð {hv}wind howling
dýr T
eða {conj}or
eður {conj} [gamalt]or
ellegar {conj}or
úlfgrár {adj}wolf gray
dýr úlfynja {kv}she-wolf
dýr T
dýr T
annars {adv} [að öðrum kosti]or [else]
annað tveggja {conj}either - or
Unverified ýmist - eða {conj}either - or
annaðhvort ... eða {conj}either ... or
eður ei {adv}or not
eða þar um bil {adv}or so
stærðf. margföldun {kv}multiplication or · or *>
tölfr. gagnlíkindahlutfall {hv}odds ratio <OR>
hagkerfi tölvufr. vísindi aðgerðagreining {kv}operations research <OR>
hagkerfi tölvufr. vísindi aðgerðarannsóknir {kv.ft}operations research <OR>
hálfgerður {adv}more or less
nokkurn veginn {adv}more or less
fyrr eða síðar {adv}sooner or later
úlfur {k} í sauðargæruwolf in sheep's clothing
læknisfr. skurðstofa {kv}operating room <OR> [Am.]
yst {adv}most remote or outlying
eða þvíumlíkt {adv}or something like that
læknisfr. innanþrautir {kv.ft}chest or abdominal pain {sg}
þjófhræddur {adj}afraid of burglary or theft
of eða van {adv}too much or too little
Unverified vera ekki dauður úr öllum æðumcan still show efficiency or power
segja af eða á um e-ðto say yes or no about sth.
mat. eiturbras {hv}bad tasting dish or drink (coffee)
Unverified einstæðingur {k}person bereft of family or friends
hundur {k}dog
dýr rakki {k} [niðr.]dog
dýr voffi {k} [barnamál]dog
samg. þæfingsfærð {kv}difficult road conditions due to snow or sleet
samg. þæfingsfæri {hv}difficult road conditions due to snow or sleet
samg. þæfingur {k}difficult road conditions due to snow or sleet
velktur {adj}dog-eared
dýr vígahundur {k}attack dog
hundsbit {hv}dog bite
dýr hundakyn {hv}dog breed
dýr hundategund {kv}dog breed
hundafóður {hv}dog food
atv. hundasnyrtir {k}dog groomer
hundaeigandi {k}dog owner
hundeigandi {k}dog owner
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