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Ensk-íslensk orðabók

Icelandic-English translation for: house.
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Dictionary Icelandic English: house

Translation 1 - 50 of 78  >>

NOUN   a house | houses
VERB  to house | housed | housed ... 
hús {hv}house
ætt {kv}house [family line]
2 Words: Nouns
fasteign fjölbýli {hv} [fjölbýlishús]apartment house
fasteign fjölbýlishús {hv}apartment house
fasteign sambýlishús {hv}apartment house [Am.]
viðsk. uppboðsfyrirtæki {hv}auction house
fuglahús {hv}bird house
fuglahús {hv}bird-house
skip naust {hv}boat house
iðn. steypuskáli {k}casting house
skip spilaborg {kv}chart house
mat. viðsk. kaffihús {hv}coffee house
þjónustuíbúðir {kv.ft}collective house {sg}
arkit. jarðhýsi {hv}earth house
fjár. fjármögnunarfyrirtæki {hv}finance house
mat. piparkökuhús {hv}gingerbread house
arkit. glerhús {hv}glass house
gestahús {hv}guest house
áfangaheimili {hv}halfway house
landbún. hænsnakofi {k}hen house
lögfr. stofufangelsi {hv}house arrest
úthýsing {kv}house ban
skip húsbátur {k}house boat
íbúðabygging {kv}house building
bygg. utanhússklæðning {kv}house cladding
bygg. húsasmíði {kv}house construction
húsnúmer {hv}house number
húsleit {kv}house search
húsmóðir {kv}house wife
opið hús {hv}open house
arkit. tón. óperuhús {hv}opera house
bernskuheimili {hv}parents' house
foreldrahús {hv}parents' house
ölstofa {kv}pot house [esp. Br.]
varðstofa {kv}precinct house [Am.]
arkit. bygg. einingahús {hv}prefabricated house
iðn. prent prentsmiðja {kv}printing house
ölstofa {kv}public house [esp. Br.]
útgáf. bókaforlag {hv}publishing house
útgáf. bókaútgáfa {kv} [forlag]publishing house
útgáf. forlag {hv}publishing house
útgáf. Unverified útgáfa {kv} [forlag]publishing house
útgáf. útgáfufélag {hv}publishing house
útgáf. útgáfufyrirtæki {hv}publishing house
félagsmiðstöð {kv}  fátæktarhverfi]settlement house
bygg. steinhús {hv}stone house
arkit. garðhýsi {hv}summer house
arkit. bygg. torfbær {k}turf house
arkit. bygg. torfhús {hv}turf house
arkit. bygg. torfkofi {k}turf house
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