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Icelandic-English translation for: hand
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Dictionary Icelandic English: hand

Translation 1 - 58 of 58

NOUN   a hand | hands
VERB  to hand | handed | handed ... 
hönd {kv}hand
2 Words: Others
einvala {adj}hand-picked
fyrirliggjandi {adj} {adv}on hand
notaður {adj}second-hand
2 Words: Verbs
útdeila e-uto hand out sth.
2 Words: Nouns
atv. skip háseti {k}deck-hand
vinnumaður {k}farm hand [male]
mat. töfrasproti {k}hand blender
tæk. handhemill {k}hand brake
list hannyrðir {kv.ft}hand craft
skip handblys {hv}hand flare
vopn handsprengja {kv}hand grenade
snyrtiv. handáburður {k}hand lotion
flug handfarangur {k}hand luggage
handaburður {k}hand movement
handarhreyfing {kv}hand movement
handdæla {kv}hand pump
atv. læknisfr. handskurðlæknir {k}hand surgeon
verkfæri handverkfæri {hv}hand tool
amboð {hv} [gamalt]hand tool [(wooden) hay and agricultural hand tool]
handþvottur {k}hand washing
handskrift {kv}hand writing
úr stundavísir {k}hour hand
úr mínútuvísir {k}minute hand
verndarhönd {kv}protective hand
úr sekúnduvísir {k}second hand
verndarhönd {kv}shielding hand
yfirhönd {kv}upper hand
undirtök {hv.ft}upper hand {sg}
3 Words: Others
Unverified úr böndunum {adv}out of hand
3 Words: Verbs
vera viðlátinnto be on hand
arfleiða e-n e-uto hand down sth. to sb. [bequeath]
útbýta e-u (til e-s)to hand out sth. (to sb.)
afhenda (e-m) e-ðto hand sth. over (to sb.)
e-m e-ðto hand sth. over to sb.
hafa e-ð hjá sérto have sth. at hand
hafa e-ð við höndinato have sth. on hand
þrýsta e-u í hönd e-sto press sth. in sb.'s hand
3 Words: Nouns
atv. vinnumennska {kv}farm hand employment
vinnumennska {kv}farm hand job
fatn. vefn. prjónles {hv}hand-knit garments {pl}
fatn. vefn. prjónles {hv}hand-knitted garments {pl}
atv. fornsali {k}second-hand dealer
nytjamarkaður {k}second-hand shop
4 Words: Others
annars vegar {adv}on the one hand
hinsvegar {adv} [hins vegar]on the other hand
hins vegar {adv}on the other hand
á hinn bóginn {adv}on the other hand
aftur á móti {adv}on the other hand
4 Words: Verbs
yfirhöndinnito gain the upper hand
hafa yfirhöndinato get the upper hand
Unverified fylgjast to go hand in hand
hafa vinninginnto have the upper hand
4 Words: Nouns
líffærafr. handarbak {hv}back of the hand
þverhönd {kv}width of a hand
5+ Words: Others
vinstra megin {adv}on the left-hand side
á hægri hönd {adv}on the right-hand side
5+ Words: Nouns
læknisfr. fóta-, handa- og munnveiki {kv}hand, foot and mouth disease
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