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Icelandic-English translation for: hér!
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Dictionary Icelandic English: hér

Translation 1 - 30 of 30


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hana {pron}her [direct object]
hér {adv}here
hern. her {k}army
stjörnfr. Herkúles {k}Hercules <Her> [constellation]
2 Words
hér með {adv}hereby
hér umhverfis {adv}around here
hern. óvígur her {k}invincible army
3 Words
Er nokkur hér?Is there anybody here?
Hér er villugjarnt.It is easy to lose one's way here.
hér og hvar {adv}here and there
hér og þar {adv}here and there
hér og þar {adv}hither and thither [dated] [idiom]
hér og þar {adv}hither and yon [dated] [idiom]
hér um bil {adv}approximately
Unverified Ja, hérna hér!Well, well, well!
hern. Unverified kvaddur í her {adj} {past-p}conscript
hern. Unverified kveðja e-n í herto conscript sb.
4 Words
Ég er ókunnugur hér.I'm a stranger here.
Er laust herbergi hér?Do you have a room available?
Henni fer kjóllinn vel.The dress suits her.
Hér ægir öllu saman.Everything is mixed up.
Hér ægir öllu saman.Everything is in a mess.
Hún skal það!She's got it coming to her!
Mér er ofaukið hér.You can do without me here.
Verðurðu hér til morguns?Will you stay here until the morning?
5+ Words
Get ég leigt handklæði hér?Can I rent a towel here?
Get ég tekið skilaboð til hans/hennar?Can I take a message for him / her?
Getum við fengið eitthvað borða hér?Can we get something to eat here?
Mér er ekki legur vært hér.It is intolerable for me to stay here any longer.
öskra eins og hún eigi lífið leysato scream for her life
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