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Icelandic-English translation for: go.
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Dictionary Icelandic English: go

Translation 1 - 50 of 139  >>

NOUN1   a go | goes
NOUN2   Go [board game] | -
VERB  to go | went | gone/[archaic] agone ... 
to go
gangato go
2 Words: Others
Láttu til þín taka!Go ahead!
Af stað!Let's go!
Leggjum af stað!Let's go!
Við skulum drífa okkur!Let's go!
Við skulum koma okkur!Let's go!
2 Words: Verbs
fara um borðto go aboard
vera á skjön við e-ðto go against sth.
láta vaðato go ahead
halda áframto go ahead [continue, proceed]
orðtak fokreiðastto go apeshit [vulg.] [to go berserk]
ganga [fara á milli]to go around
kvisast (út) [e-ð hefur kvisast (út)]to go around [sth. is going around (like a rumor, gossip)]
fara aftur á bakto go backwards
skemmastto go bad
fara á hausinnto go bankrupt
hagkerfi fara í þrotto go bankrupt
eyðileggjastto go bust
ærastto go crazy
fara yfir umto go crazy
ganga af göflunumto go crazy
sturlastto go crazy [coll.]
fara niðurto go downstairs
fara niður í to go downtown
fara á veiðarto go fishing
fara í kerfito go haywire
fara á veiðarto go hunting
ærastto go insane
ærastto go mad [insane]
myglato go mouldy [Br.]
ærastto go nuts [coll.]
fúlnato go off
varato go on
gerastto go on [happen]
slokknato go out [light, fire]
slökknato go out [light, fire]
fara útto go outside
ganga út fyrirto go outside
þagnato go quiet
eldroðnato go scarlet
fara versla [gera innkaup]to go shopping
gera innkaupto go shopping [Br.]
ganga vel [e-ð gengur vel]to go well [sth. is going well]
fara úrskeiðisto go wrong
2 Words: Nouns
milligöngumaður {k}go-between
3 Words: Others
í einum spretti {adv}in one go
3 Words: Verbs
ganga á vit e-sto go and consult sb.
í e-ðto go and get sth.
hafa sig eftir e-uto go and get sth.
» See 5 more translations for go within comments
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