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Icelandic-English translation for: fa
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Dictionary Icelandic English: fa

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to gain
to get
e-ðto obtain sth. [get, become]
e-ð [taka við]to receive sth.
e-m e-ðto give sb. sth.
e-m e-ðto hand sth. over to sb.
lögfr. rammasamningur {k}framework agreement <FA>
2 Words: Verbs
á e-nto shock sb.
e-ð framto get sth. through
e-ð skrifaðto charge sth. [postpone payment on a purchase]
e-u áorkaðto get sth. done
Unverified e-u framgengtto bring sth. about
e-u framgengtto get sth. through
e-u framgengtto obtain sth. by sheer obstinacy
mennt. falleinkunnto fail
dýr fangto get pregnant [cow, sheep]
farto get a ride
innito get shelter
innito get a roof over one's head
leyfito obtain permission
prik [talm.]to get compliment
sér e-ðto get oneself sth.
sér e-ðto provide oneself with sth.
Unverified útrásto let oneself go
vinnufriðto get a chance to work in peace
þaðto come [have an orgasm]
þaðto have an orgasm
3 Words: Verbs
ætla e-ðto want to have sth.
Unverified á kjaftinnto get punched in the face
gera e-ðto be allowed to do sth.
gera e-ðto get permission to do sth.
lánito borrow
ást á e-mto fall in love with sb.
e-ð af sérto bring oneself to do sth.
e-ð fyrir vikiðto get sth. for one's trouble
e-ð í vöggugjöfto be born with a gift for sth.
e-ð í vöggugjöfto be endowed with sth. from birth
e-ð út úr e-uto get sth. out of sth.
e-n ofan af e-uto dissuade sb. from doing sth.
e-n ofan af e-uto persuade sb. not to do sth.
e-n til starfato hire sb.
e-n til starfato recruit sb.
góðar viðtökurto get a good reception
lyf við e-uto get medicine for sth.
nasasjón af e-uto get a glimpse of sth.
nasaþef af e-uto get a glimpse of sth.
sér sætito have a seat
sér sætito take a seat
sig til e-sto bring oneself to do sth.
utan undirto get slapped
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