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Icelandic-English translation for: country
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Dictionary Icelandic English: country

Translation 1 - 69 of 69

NOUN1   a country | countries
NOUN2   the country [countryside] | -
NOUN3   country [country music] | -
NOUN4   the country [outside urban areas] | -
SYNO   area | country | country | land ... 
land {hv}
þjóðland {hv}country
2 Words: Nouns
landaf. Baskaland {hv}Basque country
fjarsk. landsnúmer {hv}country code
félagsfr óðalsbóndi {k}country gentleman
sveitahótel {hv}country hotel
tón. kántrítónlist {kv}country music
tón. sveitatónlist {kv}country music
landaf. landsheiti {hv}country name
herragarður {k}country residence
þróunarland {hv}developing country
þróunarríki {hv}developing country
ESB ESB-ríki {hv}EU country
landaf. Evrópuland {hv}European country
flatneskja {kv} [flatlendi]flat country
ættland {hv}home country
fósturland {hv}home country
iðnríki {hv}industrial country
iðnaðarland {hv}industrialized country
landaf. eyríki {hv}island country
viðsk. framleiðsluland {hv}manufacturing country
aðildarland {hv}member country
aðildarríki {hv}member country
ættjörð {kv}native country
ættland {hv}native country
heimaland {hv}native country
nágrannaland {hv}neighboring country [Am.]
nágrannaland {hv}neighbouring country [Br.]
landaf. Norðurland {hv} [einkum í fleirtölu]Nordic country
aflandsríki {hv}offshore country
hagkerfi olíuríki {hv}oil country
landaf. víðavangur {k}open country
þátttökuland {hv}participating country
þátttökuríki {hv}participating country
viðsk. framleiðsluland {hv}producer country
sólarland {hv}sunny country
ferðaþ. ferðamannaland {hv}tourist country
viðsk. viðskiptaland {hv}trading country
3 Words: Nouns
útgáfuland {hv}country of issue
viðsk. framleiðsluland {hv}country of manufacture
viðsk. upprunaland {hv}country of origin
viðsk. upprunaríki {hv}country of origin
viðsk. framleiðsluland {hv}country of production
fjár. búsetuland {hv}country of residence
ökut. jeppabifreið {kv}cross country vehicle
ökut. jeppi {k}cross country vehicle
íþr. víðavangshlaup {hv}cross-country race
íþr. víðavangshlaup {hv}cross-country running
íþr. skíðaganga {kv}cross-country skiing
landaf. saga austantjaldsland {hv}Eastern Bloc country
hagkerfi olíuframleiðsluríki {hv}oil-producing country
ESB ríkisborgari {k} þriðja ríkisthird-country national
4 Words: Others
hérlendis {adv}(here) in this country
út fyrir lögsögu þessa landsbeyond this country's jurisdiction
uppi í sveit {adv}out in the country
af landi brott {adv}out of the country
4 Words: Nouns
landshluti {k}part of the country
föðurlandssvikari {k}traitor to one's country
5+ Words: Others
austan af landi {adv}from east of the country
norðan af landi {adv}from the north of the country
vestan af landi {adv}from west of the country
víðs vegar um landið {adv}in many parts of the country
austanlands {adv}in the eastern part of the country
norðanlands {adv}in the northern part of the country
vestanlands {adv}in the western part of the country
5+ Words: Nouns
internet tölvufr. landslén {hv}country code top-level domain <country-code TLD, ccTLD>
internet tölvufr. þjóðarlén {hv}country code top-level domain <country-code TLD, ccTLD>
ættjarðarást {kv}love of / for one's country
viðsk. upprunamerking {kv}marking of country of origin
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