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Icelandic-English translation for: come
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Dictionary Icelandic English: come

Translation 1 - 51 of 51

NOUN   come | -
VERB  to come | came | come ... 
to come
þaðto come [have an orgasm]
2 Words: Others
Komdu hingað!Come here!
Áfram!Come on!
Hvernig stendur á því, ...?How come ... ?
2 Words: Verbs
atvikastto come about
vakna til lífsinsto come alive
koma ofan / ofan to come down
koma askvaðandito come storming
rætastto come true
ganga eftirto come true
koma upp [um plöntur]to come up
koma neðanto come up
koma neðan to come up
fylgja með e-uto come with sth.
fylgja e-u [e-ð fylgir e-u]to come with sth. [sth. comes with sth.]
3 Words: Others
Unverified alkominn {adj}come to stay
Ég er frá ...I come from ...
óorðinn {adj}still to come
óorðinn {adj}yet to come
3 Words: Verbs
kalla á e-nto ask sb. to come
koma til hugar [e-ð kemur e-m til hugar]to come across sb.'s mind [sth. comes across sb.'s mind]
koma í góðar þarfirto come in handy
verða tilto come into being
koma til álitato come into consideration
koma til greinato come into consideration
komast í álnir [verða ríkur]to come into money [idiom]
komast e-uto come to know sth.
örla [það örlar á e-u]to come to light [sth. is coming to light]
fara út um þúfurto come to nothing
komast til valdato come to power
fara flatt á e-uto come undone on sth.
4 Words: Others
Það kemur tími.The time will come.
4 Words: Verbs
koma til af e-uto come about because of sth.
koma langt to come from far away
njóta sínto come into its own
eignast e-ðto come into possession of sth.
koma í heiminnto come into the world
endato come to an end
taka endato come to an end
Unverified komast í kast við e-nto come to grips with sb.
fiskifr. vakato come to the surface
5+ Words: Others
Hann sagðist mundu koma.He said he would come.
Hann sagðist ætla koma.He said he would come.
Ég hélt hún mundi koma.I thought she would come.
Skyldi hann koma?I wonder if he will come.
Ég kem seinni partinn.I'll come in the afternoon.
5+ Words: Verbs
fljóta meðto be allowed to come along
fara fýluferðto come a long way for nothing
koma neðan úr kjallaranumto come up from the cellar
sjá fyrir óorðna hlutito see things yet to come
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