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Ensk-íslensk orðabók

Icelandic-English translation for: baby's-breath
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Dictionary Icelandic English: baby's breath

Translation 1 - 50 of 747  >>

NOUN   baby's breath | -
Keywords contained
gras. T
Partial Matches
andanumto catch one's breath
pústato catch one's breath
halda niðri í sér andanumto hold one's breath
taka (síðustu) andvörpinto take one's last breath
peli {k}baby's bottle
þrjóta örendið [e-n þrýtur örendið]to be not able to catch one's breath [sb. can't catch his breath]
andardráttur {k}breath
andi {k} [andardráttur, öndunarloft, öndun]breath
önd {kv} [andardráttur]breath
örendi {hv}breath
læknisfr. andfýla {kv} [talm.]bad breath
læknisfr. andremma {kv}bad breath
andstuttur {adj}short of breath
taka andköfto gasp for breath
vera andfúllto have bad breath
öndunarpróf {hv}breath alcohol test
önd {kv} [lífsandi]breath of life
standa á öndinnito be out of breath
anda djúptto take a deep breath
bíða í ofvænito wait with bated breath
viðra sigto go out for a breath of fresh air
Unverified hvitvoðungur {k}baby
kornabarn {hv}baby
óviti {k}baby
smábarn {hv}baby
ungabarn {hv}baby
ungbarn {hv}baby
fatn. Unverified kjusa {kv} [kvenhetta](baby) bonnet
smástrákur {k}baby boy
vagn {k} [barnavagn]baby carriage
barnamatur {k}baby foods {pl}
meybarn {hv}baby girl
list trúarbr. Jesúbarn {hv}baby Jesus
fatn. ungbarnagalli {k}baby jumpsuit
barnabílstóll {k}baby seat
barnasturta {kv}baby shower
tannlæk. barnatönn {kv}baby tooth
pelabarn {hv}bottle-baby
grenjuskjóða {kv}cry-baby
læknisfr. fyrirburi {k}premature baby
læknisfr. ófullburða barn {hv}premature baby
kerra {kv} [barnakerra](baby) stroller [Am.]
atv. barnahjúkrunarfræðingur {k} [kvenkyns]baby nurse [nanny]
vænta sínto expect a baby
fæða barnto have a baby
leikf. pissudúkka {kv}pee baby doll
vera með nefið í hvers manns koppito stick one's nose in other people's business
taka um hálsinn á e-mto put one's arms around sb.'s neck
Unverified gera sér dælt við e-nto worm one's way into sb.'s favor
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