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Ensk-íslensk orðabók

Icelandic-English translation for: að vera þrotinn að heilsu
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að vera þrotinn að heilsu in other languages:

English - Icelandic

Dictionary Icelandic English: að vera þrotinn að heilsu

Translation 1 - 50 of 8128  >>

vera þrotinn heilsuto have lost health
Partial Matches
vera farinn heilsuto be in poor health
vera þrotinn kröftumto be exhausted
vera við góða heilsuto be in good health
vera ekkert vanbúnaði [e-m er ekkert vanbúnaði]to be all set
vera ekkert vanbúnaði [e-m er ekkert vanbúnaði]to be ready
vera niðurlotum kominnto be on the verge of collapse
vera þrotum kominnto be at the end of one's tether
vera þrotum kominnto be exhausted
vera mikill vallarsýnto be tall and stout
Unverified vera úti akato be absent-minded
leyfa e-m verato allow sb. to stay
vera áskrifandi e-uto subscribe to sth.
vera e-m kennato be sb.'s fault
vera elskur e-mto be kind to sb.
vera komið e-mto be sb.'s turn
vera kominn e-uto be about to do sth.
vera valdur e-uto be to blame for sth.
vera valdur e-uto cause sth.
vera vitni e-uto be an eyewitness to sth.
vera vitni e-uto witness sth.
vera vottur e-uto witness sth.
vera afrendur afli [gamalt]to be very strong
vera allur vilja gerðurto have the best of intentions
vera ekki frá því ...to tend to the opinion that ...
vera ekki vandur meðölumto not be particular about the methods one uses
vera erfiður við eigato be difficult to deal with
vera kominn fótum framto be decrepit with age
vera vandur virðingu sinnito be particular about one's reputation
vera í óðaönn e-uto be busy doing sth.
vera ófús gera e-ðto be loath to do sth.
vera vanur gera e-ðto be in the habit of doing sth.
vera einfær um ( gera) e-ðto be able to manage sth. alone
vera óviljugur til gera e-ðto be loath to do sth.
vera vel sér í e-uto be very competent in sth.
vera ekki á þeim buxunum gefast uppto not going to give up
vera í þann veginn gera e-ðto be about to do sth.
taka ... [e-ð tekur ...]to start to ... [sth. starts to ...]
þrengja [það þrengir e-m]to deteriorate financially [sb. financial condition deteriorates]
þrengja [það þrengir e-m]to go into a bad spot [sb. is getting into a bad spot]
koma ofan / ofan to come down
verða e-m aldurtila [e-ð verður e-m aldurtila]to be the cause of sb.'s death [sth. is the cause of sb.'s death]
verða e-m aldurtila [e-ð verður e-m aldurtila]to kill sb. [sth. kills sb.]
e-u [e-ð nær e-u]to reach sth. [sth. reaches sth.]
þrotinn {adj} {past-p}depleted
þrotinn {adj} {past-p}exhausted
þrotinn {adj} {past-p}finished
þrotinn {adj} {past-p}used up
Fölvi hans var augljóst merki um slæma heilsu.His pallor was evidence of ill health.
álíta ...to be of the opinion that ...
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