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Ensk-íslensk orðabók

Icelandic-English translation for: að hreyfa hvorki legg né lið
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að hreyfa hvorki legg né lið in other languages:

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Dictionary Icelandic English: að hreyfa hvorki legg né lið

Translation 1 - 50 of 8063  >>

hreyfa hvorki legg liðto not move
Partial Matches
hvorki æmta skræmtato be silent
hvorki æmta skræmtato make no sound
hvorki ... {conj}neither ... nor
hreyfato move
Legg ég á, og mæli ég um, ...A spell has been cast that ...
e-n með sér i liðto get sb. on board [also fig.]
lið fyrir lið {adv}point by point
hvorki {adv}neither
heldur {conj}nor
aðhafastto act
afbakastto distort
afklæðastto disrobe
afklæðastto undress
aflagastto deform
afmyndastto lose shape
afsakato apologise [Br.]
afsakato apologize
afsakato excuse
afvopnastto lay down arms
ágerastto grow [rise, increase]
ágerastto increase
ágerastto intensify
ágerastto progress [increase in scope or severity]
alhæfato generalize
álpastto mess around
anato rush
andato breathe
andastto die
andvarpato groan
andvarpato sigh
angato give off a pleasant smell
angato have a sweet smell
angato scent
angato smell
argato scream
arkato stride
áttfaldastto increase eightfold
atvikastto come about
atvikastto happen
auðgastto get rich
aukastto become larger
aukastto grow
aukastto increase
æðrastto despond
æðrastto lose heart
æfato train
ælato puke [sl.]
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