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Ensk-íslensk orðabók

Icelandic-English translation for: að halda í norður
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Dictionary Icelandic English: að halda í norður

Translation 1 - 50 of 8516  >>

halda í norðurto head north
Partial Matches
halda íto retain
halda dauðahaldi í e-ðto hang on (to sth.) for dear life
halda e-m í skefjumto keep sb. at bay
halda e-m í skefjumto keep sb. under control
halda niðri í sér andanumto hold one's breath
í norður {adv}in a northerly direction
Glugginn veit í norður.The window faces north.
fara norður og niðurto go to hell
halda áframto continue
halda áframto go ahead [continue, proceed]
halda áframto keep on going
halda áframto move on
halda boðto have a party
halda boðto hold a party
halda fundto hold a meeting
halda hátíðleganto celebrate
halda jólto celebrate Christmas
mennt. halda prófto hold an exam
halda vellito be undefeated
halda vellito stand firm
halda fyrir vitinto cover one's nose and mouth
halda orð sínto keep one's word
halda vöku sinnito keep alert
halda vöku sinnito stay alert
halda e-u áframto continue sth.
halda e-u framto assert sth.
halda e-u kölduto refrigerate sth.
halda e-u volguto keep sth. warm
halda við e-nto have an affair with sb.
ef á þarf halda {adv}if needed
Unverified halda e-m á mottunnito keep sb. on one's toes
Unverified halda e-u á mottunnito control sth.
halda fram hjá e-mto be unfaithful to one's husband / wife
halda loforð við e-nto keep a promise to sb.
halda sig frá e-uto abstain from sth.
halda sig frá e-uto keep away from sth.
halda vöku fyrir e-mto keep sb. from his sleep
Mér er nær halda ...I would almost believe that ...
þurfa á e-u haldato be in need of sth.
þurfa á e-u haldato feel the need for sth.
halda upp á e-n/e-ðto favor sb./sth.
norður {adv}north
norður {adv}northwards
norður {hv}north <N>
norður eftir {adv}north on
norður frá {adv}in the north
norður um {adv}to the north
norður úr {adv}to the north
norður af {prep} [+þgf.]north of
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