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Ensk-íslensk orðabók

Icelandic-English translation for: að blossa upp
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Dictionary Icelandic English: að blossa upp

Translation 1 - 50 of 8118  >>

blossa uppto blaze (up)
blossa uppto flame (up)
Partial Matches
Unverified upp {prep} [+þgf.]up to
alast uppto grow up
brotna uppto break up
vefn. fitja uppto cast on
gefast uppto give up
tölvufr. hala uppto upload
hugsa uppto invent
læknisfr. kasta uppto throw up
læknisfr. kasta uppto vomit
komast uppto be discovered
komast uppto be exposed
leysast uppto break up
segja uppto dismiss
standa uppto get up
tærast uppto lose weight [due to a disease]
vaska uppto wash up the dishes
veslast uppto pine [waste away]
veslast uppto waste away
veslast uppto wither away
yngjast (upp)to get younger
þjóta uppto flare up
þjóta uppto grow fast
þurrka uppto dry the dishes
þurrka uppto wipe up
þvo uppto wash the dishes
þvo uppto wash up [dishes]
veðurfr. þykkna uppto cloud up [sky]
vella upp [streyma]to gush up
vella upp [streyma]to well up
bretta upp ermarnarto roll one's sleeves
leiklist Unverified færa upp leikritto stage a play
fletta upp / niðurto scroll up / down
ganga ekki uppto not fit
ganga ekki uppto not work
gefa upp andannto die
gera upp hústo renovate a house
gera upp reikningto balance an account
gera upp reikningto settle an account
gera upp vélto overhaul a machine
hafa upp rökto use arguments
hengja upp þvottto hang up the laundry
koma upp börnumto bring up children
koma upp húsito build a house
sér uppto get stronger
sér uppto intensify
segja upp blaðito discontinue a newspaper subscription
segja upp húsnæðito give notice to terminate a lease
segja upp starfito give notice
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