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Ensk-íslensk orðabók

Icelandic-English translation for: Wankel-vél
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Dictionary Icelandic English: Wankel vél

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ökut. Wankel-vél {kv} [Rotary-vél]Wankel engine
ökut. Wankel-vél {kv} [Rotary-vél]rotary engine
Partial Matches
vel {adv}well
tæk. vél {kv}engine
tæk. vél {kv}machine
tæk. vél {kv}motor
vel gefinn {adj}bright
vel útilátinn {adj}abundant
vel útilátinn {adj}generous
vel útilátinn {adj}rich
vel þokkaður {adj}popular
mjög vel {adv}very well
vel settur {adj}well-off
vel steiktur {adj}well done
vel þokkaður {adj}well-liked
Gera svo vel!Please!
Gerðu svo vel!Please!
Gjöra svo vel!Please!
Gjörðu svo vel!Please!
vel og vandlega {adv}thoroughly
fara velto end well
Gangi þér vel!Good luck!
Gerðu svo vel!My pleasure!
Gjörðu svo vel!My pleasure!
Gott og vel!All right!
komast vel afto succeed
Gjörðu svo vel!Here you are!
Mér gengur vel.I am OK.
Mér líður vel.I am fine.
eiga vel viðto be appropriate
eiga vel viðto be fitting
eiga vel viðto fit well
ganga vel umto be tidy
komast vel afto do well
Unverified una sér velto be happy
vel á minnst {adv}by the way <BTW>
gera upp vélto overhaul a machine
vel samanto get along well
vera vel alinnto be well-behaved
vera vel gefinnto be very intelligent
vera vel uppalinnto be well-behaved
vera vel til fallinnto be appropriate
vera vel til fallinnto be suitable
vera vel viti borinnto be intelligent
vilja e-m velto wish sb. well
Vélin gengur vel.The machine is running well.
eiga vel samanto suit each other well
vera vel alinn [nærður]to be well fed
vera vel ættaðurto be of good family
Henni fer kjóllinn vel.The dress suits her.
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