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Ensk-íslensk orðabók

Icelandic-English translation for: Things
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Dictionary Icelandic English: Things

Translation 1 - 28 of 28

NOUN   a thing | things
sitthvað {pron} [ýmislegt]various things
eitt og annað {pron}various things
hafa víxl á hlutunumto interchange things
prjónadót {hv}knitting things {pl}
3 Words
útréttato get things done
hafa víxl á hlutunumto mix things up
hafa hægt um sigto take things easy
internet viðsk. hlutanet {hv}Internet of Things <IoT, IOT>
4 Words
og margt fleira {adv} <o.m.fl.>and many other things
eins og komið er {adv}as things stand now
nýjungagjarn {adj}keen on new things
öðru jöfnu {adv}other things being equal
gera illt verrato make bad things worse
gera e-m erfitt um vikto make things hard for sb.
innansleikjur {kv.ft}trivial things to finish
5+ Words
Ég ætla kanna hvernig er ástatt um þau.I am going to check how things are going with them.
ef fram heldur sem horfir {adv}if things continue as expected
Unverified ef svo heldur fram sem horfir {adv}if things continue as expected
Víða er pottur brotinn.It is not only here that things go wrong.
Þetta æxlaðist svo . . .The way things turned out was . . .
Þá var öldin önnur.Things were different then/in those days.
svo komnu {adv}with things as they are
vera fundvísto be good at finding things
hafa mikið undirto be working on many things
Unverified hafa mikið umleikisto do things in a big way
eiga e-ð vantalað við e-nto have things to say to sb.
sjá fyrir óorðna hlutito see things yet to come
útréttingar {kv.ft}various things to do and buy
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