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Icelandic-English translation for: People
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Dictionary Icelandic English: People

Translation 1 - 67 of 67

NOUN1   a person | persons/people
NOUN2   - | people [in general, plural only; »ordinary people« also with »the«]
NOUN3   - | people/peoples [the people who belong to a particular country, race, or area; countable; always with plural verb]
VERB  to people | peopled | peopled ... 
SYNO   citizenry | people | hoi polloi ... 
ýtar {k.ft} [skáldamál]people
lýður {k}people [nation, ethnic group]
fólk {hv}people {pl}
2 Words: Others
ýmsirvarious people
2 Words: Nouns
þjóðhfr. Unverified fornþjóð {kv}ancient people
almúgi {k}common people
sómafólk {hv}decent people
óreglufólk {hv}dissolute people
fámenni {hv}few people
fólksfæð {kv}few people
útigangsfólk {hv}homeless people
áhrifafólk {hv}influential people {pl}
eyþjóð {kv}island people
nágrannaþjóð {kv}neighboring people [Am.]
nágrannaþjóð {kv}neighbouring people [Br.]
þjóðhfr. flökkuþjóð {kv}nomadic people
þjóðareiga {kv}people's property
þjóðareign {kv}people's property
stjórn. alþýðulýðveldi {hv}people's republic
fyrirfólk {hv}prominent people {pl}
efnafólk {hv}rich people
þý {hv} [undirgefið fólk]servile people
útigangsfólk {hv}street people
farandfólk {hv}wandering people {pl}
efnafólk {hv}wealthy people
æskufólk {hv}young people
æska {kv} [ungt fólk]young people {pl}
æskulýður {k}young people {pl}
3 Words: Others
fámennur {adj}with few people
3 Words: Nouns
alþýðufólk {hv}(the) common people
nokkrir menn {k.ft}a few people
fjölmenni {hv}crowd of people
fólksmergð {kv}crowd of people
mannfjöldi {k}crowd of people
mannmergð {kv}crowd of people
mannsöfnuður {k}crowd of people
mannþröng {kv}crowd of people
mannþyrping {kv}crowd of people
fólksmergð {kv}crush of people
fólksekla {kv}lack of people
fólksfæð {kv}lack of people
Unverified undirmálsfólk {hv}low-class people
margmenni {hv}mass of people
dvalarheimili {hv} [aldraðra]old people's home
elliheimili {hv}old people's home
ógæfufólk {hv}people of misfortune
fólksstraumur {k}stream of people
alþýða {kv}the (common) people
fólksflutningur {k} [t.d. með bílum] [einkum í fleirtölu]transplantation of people
4 Words: Others
stjórn. þjóðkjörinn {adj}elected by the people
4 Words: Verbs
þurrka út þjóðto wipe out a people
4 Words: Nouns
læknisfr. sjúkrafæði {hv}food for sick people
fimmmenningur {k} [félagsskapur]group of five people
fjórmenningar {k.ft}group of four people
almenningseign {kv}property of ordinary people
þjóðarvilji {k}will of the People
félagsfr alþýðukona {kv}woman of the people
5+ Words: Others
Húsið tekur 500 manns.The house holds 500 people.
Þessar birgðir geta fætt 10 milljón manns.These supplies can feed 10 million people.
Það er á fárra manna vitorði.Very few people know about that.
5+ Words: Verbs
Unverified vera framarlega á sínu sviðito be one of the leading people in one's field
etja e-m samanto egg people on against each other
vera með nefið í hvers manns koppito stick one's nose in other people's business
5+ Words: Nouns
skip fjögramannafar {hv}boat that takes four people
alþýðuheimili {hv}home of a common people
vesturferð {kv}migration of people to America from Europe
Fiction (Literature and Film)
F Sjálfstætt fólk [Halldór Laxness]Independent People
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