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Icelandic-English translation for: NA
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Dictionary Icelandic English: NA

Translation 1 - 60 of 60


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SYNO   Na | atomic number 11 | sodium
e-uto obtain sth. [get]
e-u [draga uppi]to catch sth.
e-u [draga uppi]to catch up with sth.
e-u [fá, skilja]to get sth. [obtain, understand]
e-u [geta framkvæmt]to manage sth.
e-u [geta framkvæmt]to get sth. done
landaf. Namibía {kv}Namibia <.na>
efnafr. natrín {hv} <Na>sodium <Na>
efnafr. natríum {hv}sodium <Na>
norðaustur {hv} <NA>northeast <NE>
2 Words: Verbs
e-u [e-ð nær e-u]to reach sth. [sth. reaches sth.]
andanumto catch one's breath
árangrito achieve results
árangrito achieve success
árangrito get results
árangrito obtain success
athygli e-sto get sb.'s attention
áttum [líka óeiginl.]to get / find one's bearings [also fig.]
áttum [óeiginl.]to get (one's) / the facts straight
e-u af e-mto get sth. away from sb.
fótfestuto gain a firm footing
í e-ðto get sth.
í e-ðto go and get sth.
í e-nto get hold of sb.
jöfnuðito break even
landito reach shore
langtto achieve success
langtto make it
markmiðito achieve a goal
niðurstöðuto obtain results
mennt. prófito pass an exam
sérto recover
strætóto catch a bus
til e-sto catch sb.
til e-sto reach sb.
tvítugsaldrito reach one's twenties
yfir e-ðto cover sth.
yfirhöndinnito gain the upper hand
3 Words: Verbs
austur fyrir e-ðto extend east of sth.
hern. e-u undir sigto occupy sth.
endum samanto make ends meet
engri áttto be completely out of the question
fram hefndumto take revenge
í gegnto pass
í gegnto get through
sér í e-ðto get (oneself) sth.
sér uppto intensify
sér uppto get stronger
tali af e-mto get to talk to sb.
tökum á e-uto master sth.
utan um e-ðto have sth. under control
vel samanto get along well
vel til e-sto get sb. to listen
4 Words: Verbs
fram kröfum sínumto get one's demands met
heim fyrir myrkurto reach home before dark
sér niðri á e-mto get revenge on sb.
sér upp afturto recover
5+ Words: Others
Þeim mistókst í tilraun sinni toppnum.They failed in their attempt to reach the summit.
5+ Words: Verbs
alveg upp í loftto reach all the way to the ceiling
ekki upp í nefið á sérto be wild with rage
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Search time: 0.045 sec


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