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Icelandic-English translation for: Have
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Dictionary Icelandic English: Have

Translation 1 - 50 of 206  >>

VERB  to have | had | had ... 
SYNO   to have | to have got | to hold ... 
hafato have
eiga e-ðto have sth. [own]
allsleysingi {k}have-not
fátæklingur {k}have-not
öreigi {k}have-not
2 Words: Verbs
vera nóg boðiðto have enough
hafato have got
vera illtto have pain
Unverified eiga varasjóð í kistuhandraðanumto have savings
vera þolinnto have stamina
vera með e-ðto have sth. (along)
eiga e-ð í vændumto have sth. ahead
eiga e-ð tilto have sth. available
hafa e-ð tilto have sth. available
eiga e-ð eftirto have sth. left
hafa e-ð einhvers staðarto have sth. somewhere
verða vel ágengt [e-m verður vel ágengt]to have success [sb. has success]
skuluto have to
verða [um skyldu]to have to
þurfa to have to
2 Words: Nouns
skyldueign {kv}must-have
3 Words: Others
Hefur þú ...?Do you have ... ?
3 Words: Verbs
fara í lautarferðto (have a) picnic
fæða barnto have a baby
kjafta samanto have a chat
sér neðan í þvíto have a drink
finna e-ð á sérto have a hunch
hafa vinnuto have a job
halda boðto have a party
sér sætito have a seat
eiga fríto have a vacation
lenda í slysito have an accident
segja til sín [e-ð segir til sín]to have an effect [sth. has an effect]
þaðto have an orgasm
vera uppsigað við e-n [e-m er uppsigað við e-n]to have antipathy toward sb. [sb. has antipathy toward sb.]
hafa yfir e-m segjato have authority over sb.
vera andfúllto have bad breath
vera fótstórto have big feet
hafa brún auguto have brown eyes
vera fótkaldurto have cold feet
ráða yfir e-mto have control over sb.
hafa forræði yfir e-uto have control over sth.
draga e-ð í efato have doubts about sth.
vera þagnaðurto have fallen silent
vera illa fataðurto have few clothes
hafa lítil auraráðto have few resources
ganga gott til [e-m gengur gott til]to have good intentions [sb. has good intentions]
vera annmörkum háðto have its shortcomings
vera nýorðinn e-ðto have just become sth.
vera þrotinn heilsuto have lost health
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