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Icelandic-English translation for: HIS
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Dictionary Icelandic English: HIS

Translation 1 - 28 of 28

PRON  he | him | his ... 
hans {pron}his
3 Words
fyrir hans atbeina {adv}at his instigation
á hans æviduring his lifetime
í fari hans {adv}in his character
fyrir hans atbeina {adv}through his help
4 Words
Hann er ölkær.He likes his liquor.
Vinir hans brugðust honum.His friends failed him.
Kraftar hans brugðust honum.His strength failed him.
á sína vísu {adv}in his own way
koma vitinu fyrir e-nto bring sb. to his senses
halda vöku fyrir e-mto keep sb. from his sleep
segja e-ð upp í opið geðið á e-mto tell sb. sth. to his face
5+ Words
málshát. Árinni kennir illur ræðari.A bad workman blames his tools.
Hann er jafnvígur í öllum greinum.He is equally competent in all his subjects.
Hann er jafnvígur í öllum greinum.He is equally good at all his subjects.
Honum fer aftur.He is losing his touch.
Hann reif buxurnar sínar þegar hann beygði sig fram.He ripped his pants when he bent over.
Hann á enn mikið ólært eins og merkja af nýlegri hegðun hans.He still has a lot to learn, as is evidenced by his recent behaviour.
Það er mikill völlur á honum.He throws his weight around.
Honum vöknaði um augu.His eyes filled with tears.
Hár hans er farið þynnast.His hair has started thinning out.
Fölvi hans var augljóst merki um slæma heilsu.His pallor was evidence of ill health.
Rödd hans brast í falsettu.His voice broke into a falsetto.
Hvað heitir hann aftur?What is his name again?
ættrækinn {adj}who cultivates his family relations
leggja orð hans út á verri vegto give an adverse interpretation to his words
láta e-n sigla sinn sjóto let sb. go his own way
svipta e-n ökuréttindumto strip sb. of his driver's license
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