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Icelandic-English translation for: Alzheimer 's
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Dictionary Icelandic English: Alzheimer 's

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læknisfr. alzheimer {hv} <AS>Alzheimer's disease <AD>
læknisfr. alzheimersjúkdómur {k} <AS>Alzheimer's disease <AD>
Partial Matches
vekja áhuga e-sto arouse sb.'s interest
vinna ástir e-sto awaken sb.'s love
vera jafningi e-sto be sb.'s equal
Unverified fylla flokk e-sto be sb.'s follower
athygli e-sto get sb.'s attention
taka kveðju e-sto return sb.'s greeting
segja til e-sto reveal sb.'s whereabouts
þyrma lífi e-sto spare sb.'s life
kremja hjarta e-sto break (someone's) heart
í vanþökk e-s {adv}against sb.'s will
vera á ábyrgð e-sto be sb.'s responsibility
fara dæmi e-sto follow sb.'s example
Unverified á e-s vakt {adv} [orðtak]on one's watch [idiom]
vera á valdi e-sto be in sb.'s power
feta í fótspor e-sto follow in sb.'s footsteps
sitja við fótskör e-sto sit at sb.'s feet
svipta e-n ökuréttindumto suspend sb.'s driver's license
renna úr greipum e-sto break from one's grip
vera e-s ær og kýrto be sb.'s main hobby
Unverified vera uppi á dögum e-sto live during sb.'s time
níðast á gestristni e-sto take advantage of sb.'s hospitality
finna náð í augum e-sto find favor in sb.'s eyes
verja peningum sínum til e-sto spend one's money on sth.
verja tíma sínum til e-sto spend one's time on sth.
verja peningum sínum til e-sto use one's money on sth.
skip gufuskip {hv}steamship <SS, s.s.>
orðtak leggja stein í götu e-s [orðtak]to put obstacles in sb.'s way
vera (ekki) í e-s verkahringto be (not) part of sb.'s job
orðtak leggja stein í götu e-s [orðtak]to put a spoke in sb.'s wheel
taka um hálsinn á e-mto put one's arms around sb.'s neck
Unverified gera sér dælt við e-nto worm one's way into sb.'s favor
ein. rafm. símens {hv} <S>siemens <S>
vera með nefið í hvers manns koppito stick one's nose in other people's business
altaka huga e-s [e-ð altekur e-n]to capture one's mind
gera e-ð í óþökk e-sto do sth. against sb.'s wishes
þrýsta e-u í hönd e-sto press sth. in sb.'s hand
segja e-ð í orðstað e-sto say sth. on sb.'s behalf
Unverified gera e-ð undirlagi e-sto do sth at sb.'s behest
Unverified gera e-ð undirlagi e-sto do sth at sb.'s instigation
Það getur vel verið hún eins falleg og þú segir.It's possible that she's as pretty as you say.
gras. T
hárgreiðslustofa {kv}hairdresser's
eigin {adj}one's own
handan e-s {prep}beyond sth.
lyf apótek {hv}chemist's [Br.]
viðsk. lyfjabúð {kv}chemist's [Br.]
efnafr. steindaf brennisteinn {k}sulphur <S> [Br.]
forheimskandi {adj}dulling sb.'s mind
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