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Icelandic-English translation for: [the]
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Dictionary Icelandic English: [the]

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óráðþæginn {adj}[not willing to accept the advice of others]
veðurfr. veðurglöggur {adj}[skilled in foreseeing the changes or state of the weather]
mál. Unverified flámæltur {adj}[which has a pronunciation where the closed vowels are opened]
landbún. fjárglöggur {adj}[who has the eye to distinguish between sheep]
upplitsdjarfur {adj}confident [with the head held high]
upplitsdjarfur {adj}proud [with the head held high]
rauður {adj}red [of the color]
silfurlitaður {adj}silver [the color]
sprengsaddur {adj}stuffed [so full after a meal to the point of exploding]
þaðan {adv}thence [formal] [from the place previously mentioned]
hinsvegar {adv} {conj} [hins vegar]whereas [while on the contrary]
hins vegar {adv} {conj}whereas [while on the contrary]
styrkja e-ð verði)to appreciate sth. [increase the value of]
fara um borðto board sth. [the train, the ship, the plane, etc.]
stíga um borðto board sth. [the train, the ship, the plane, etc.]
stjórna e-uto conduct sth. [direct the course of, manage, control]
affrysta e-ðto defrost sth. [e.g. the refrigerator]
afþíða e-ðto defrost sth. [e.g. the refrigerator]
Unverified gera háar hugmyndir e-s enguto disillusion sb. [destroy the false but pleasant beliefs]
orka e-ðto make sth. [have the energy to do]
þrúga e-nto oppress sb. [lie heavy on the mind]
afkasta e-uto produce sth. [to have the output of]
koma upp [um sólina]to rise [the sun]
kríta e-ð  stétt]to screeve sth. [to draw on the pavement with chalk]
uppvarta e-n [þjóna til borðs]to serve sb. [at the table]
ótta {kv} [gamalt] [kl. 3 morgni, markaði upphaf 2. eyktar sólarhringsins][3 o'clock in the morning]
fjósbaðstofa {kv}[a common room in a traditional Icelandic farm, located in the attic]
landaf. áll {k}[a deep groove in the bottom of a body of water or the sea]
fiskifæla {kv}[a man who scares all the fish away]
fjandvinur {k}[a person who is at the same time enemy and friend]
landbún. fjallmaður {k}[a person who participates in sheep gathering in the fall]
afmælisgrein {kv}[an article in a book, magazine or newspaper written on the occasion of someone's birthday]
flóttasvipur {k}[an expression that tells that the person wants to flee]
þjóðhfr. þrettándabrenna {kv}[bonfire burning in the evening on Holy Trinity (January 6 to say goodbye to Christmas)]
aðalkirkja {kv}[chief part of the church]
saga vistarband {hv} [gamalt][duty of servants to work on the same farm for at least one year]
þrettándagleði {kv}[festival held on the thirteenth day of Christmas]
stjórn. allsherjarnefnd {kv}[general affairs council in the Icelandic parliament]
landbún. flekkur {k}[hay that is spread evenly over part of the field]
stjórn. Pírati {k}[Iceland, Germany, member of the Pirate Party]
líffærafr. aflvöðvi {k}[large muscle in the arm or leg]
bókm. atómkvæði {hv}[modernist Icelandic poem from the period approx. 1940-1960]
bókm. atómljóð {hv}[modernist Icelandic poem from the period approx. 1940-1960]
landaf. forvaði {k}[navigable beach area at low tide along the rock wall by the sea]
landbún. fjallskil {hv.ft} [skylda  smala][obligation of a farmer to participate in the rounding up of sheep]
vindauga {hv} [baggagat][opening in a barn through which the hay is brought in]
beltisstaður {k}[place where the belt is located]
árefti {hv}[planks or stones placed on the beams of a traditional peat farm, supporting the peat of the roof]
trúarbr. allsherjargoði {k}[spiritual leader of the ancient pre-Christian cult in Iceland]
vinnuskóli {k}[summer jobs for teenagers, offered by the municipalities]
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