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Ensk-íslensk orðabók

Icelandic-English translation for: [old-style]
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Dictionary Icelandic English: [old style]

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af gamla skólanum {adj}old-fashioned [old-style]
Partial Matches
bókm. Unverified flokkur {k} [kvæði]poem [n dróttkvætt style]
tilbreyting {kv}variation [in style, diet, routine, programme]
mat. núðla {kv} [einkum í fleirtölu]noodle [Br.: esp. Asian-style product]
fornlegur {adj}archaic [old-fashioned]
ellilúinn {adj}feeble [due to old age]
aldraður {adj}aged [old, of advanced age]
ern {adj}healthy [for an old person]
ofanverður {adj} [um öld]latter part of [century]
fatn. fatalarfar {k.ft}rags [coll.] [tatty old clothes]
fatn. fataleppar {k.ft}rags [coll.] [tatty old clothes]
fatn. fataræflar {k.ft}rags [coll.] [tatty old clothes]
fornl. fornmunur {k}old-timer [old or antique thing]
fræðaþulur {k}[(old) man who knows and conveys ancient knowledge]
eykt {kv} [gamalt][old name of a three hour period]
þulur {k} [fræðaþulur][(old) man who knows and conveys ancient knowledge]
þórsdagur {k} [heiti fimmtudags fram á 12. öld]Thursday <Thu., Th.>
förlast [e-m förlast] [um gamalt fólk]to diminish [physically, mentally] [esp. old persons]
félagsfr saga ómagi {k}[a person who is unable to support himself due to his youth, old age or illness]
einmánuður {k} [sjötti mánuður vetrar í gamla norræna tímatalinu]sixth winter month [in the old Nordic calendar]
bikkja {kv} [niðr.]nag [coll.] [often pej.] [a horse, esp. one that is old or in poor health]
bókm. kenning {kv}  skáldskap]kenning [a special type of metaphor in Old Norse poetry]
ýlir {k} [annar mánuður vetrar í gamla norræna tímatalinu]Ýlir [the second month of winter according to the old Nordic calendar]
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