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Icelandic-English translation for: [of]
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Dictionary Icelandic English: [of]

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þrennt {adj}
three [parts of a whole]
-laus {suffix}-less [free of something]
óráðþæginn {adj}[not willing to accept the advice of others]
veðurfr. veðurglöggur {adj}[skilled in foreseeing the changes or state of the weather]
aldraður {adj}aged [old, of advanced age]
albanskur {adj}Albanian [of or pertaining to Albania]
fyrir framan {prep}before [in front of]
hábjartur {adj}bright [of daylight etc.]
óekta {adj}cheap [of little value]
illlæsilegur {adj}crabbed [of handwriting, difficult to read]
hljóðfr. tannmæltur {adj}dental [of a speech sound]
hraðskreiður {adj}fast [capable of moving quickly]
fyrri {adj}first [of two]
fernt {adj}four [parts of a whole]
endurgjaldslaus {adj}free [of charge]
endurgjaldslaust {adv}free [of charge]
gefins {adv}free [of charge]
greiðugur {adj}helpful [of a person]
yfirvofandi {adj}imminent [of thunderstorm, danger, crisis etc.]
landaf. vogskorinn {adj}indented [of coastline]
landaf. vogskorinn {adj}jagged [of coastline]
afbrýðisamur {adj}jealous [of]
bíóm. hreyfður {adj} [kvikmynd]jittery [coll.] [of a video etc.]
jafnhár {adj}level [of equal height]
óþægur {adj}misbehaving [esp. of a child]
mónakóskur {adj}Monégasque [of Monaco]
vitaskuld {adv}naturally [of course]
aldraður {adj}old [person: of advanced age]
annar {pron} [af tveimur]one [of two]
samg. akfær {adj}passable [free of obstacles]
orkulaus {adj}powerless [out of energy]
rauður {adj}red [of the color]
glórulaus {adj} [um hríð]relentless [of snowstorms]
hvass {adj}sharp [of a knife]
lágvaxinn {adj}short [of a person: small in height]
eðlisgreindur {adj}smart [of an innate intelligence]
deigur {adj} [um málm]soft [of metal]
útlifaður {past-p}spent [of a person]
sprengsaddur {adj}stuffed [so full after a meal to the point of exploding]
styrkja e-ð verði)to appreciate sth. [increase the value of]
ganga í garðto arrive [of seasons]
hjalato babble [of baby]
stjórna e-uto conduct sth. [direct the course of, manage, control]
íþr. valda e-ðto cover sth. [place of a team-mate in football / soccer]
virkja e-ðto harness sth. [make use of]
taka e-ð [rúma]to hold sth. [capable of holding]
ganga fremsturto lead [walk in front of]
afmeyja e-ð [opna vínflösku]to open sth. [a bottle of alcohol]
afkasta e-uto produce sth. [to have the output of]
ganga [um fisk]to run [used of shoals of fish]
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