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Icelandic-English translation for: [lady\'s]
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Dictionary Icelandic English: [lady 's]

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gras. T
atv. vinnukona {kv} [heimilishjálp]help [cleaning lady]
gras. T
gras. T
dýr T
marrato grate [one's teeth]
kerrtur {adj}tilted back [one's head]
fráflakandi {adj} [skyrta, frakki o.s.frv.]unbuttoned
framhjáhald {hv}cheating [on one's partner]
brotabrot {hv} [örlítill hluti e-s]trickle
saga stjórn. keisarastóll {k}imperial throne [emperor's throne]
rafm. verkfæri afeinangrari {k}wire stripper [electrician's tool]
hringsóla [reikistjarna, flugvél o.s.frv.]to circulate
fatn. upphlutur {k}bodice [Icelandic national women's costume]
próflaus {adv} [án ökuréttinda]without permission [driver's licence]
Unverified fráflakandi {adj} [skyrta, frakki o.s.frv.]worn open
örlagavaldur {k}crucial impact [on one's life]
frúarbíll {k} [talm.]second car [lady's car]
ekkjulífeyrir {k}widow's benefits {pl} [widow's pension]
ögrandi {adj} [hvetjandi]challenging [daring, demanding, testing one's abilities]
lögfr. dómsvald {hv}jurisdiction [to be within a court's authority]
föðurbani {k}patricide [one who murders sb.'s father]
kassabíll {k}soapbox [a child's homemade racing cart]
jarð. jarðaryfirborð {hv}earth's surface [also: Earth's surface]
gras. T
ýfa e-ð [hár]to dishevel sth. [sb.'s hair]
árita e-ðto endorse sth. [write one's signature]
tölvufr. tölvustofa {kv}  skólum, bókasöfnum o.s.frv.]computer room
hern. stjórn. varnarmálaráðherra {k}Secretary of State for Defence [Br.] [S.Afr.]
fuglafr. T
fatn. peysa {kv} [peysufatapeysa]blouse [of the woman's Icelandic national costume]
ýfa e-ð [hár]to rumple sth. (up) [sb.'s hair]
undrast um e-nto worry about sb. [sb.'s absence]
frelsa e-n [frelsa sál]to redeem sb. [save one's soul]
frelsa e-n [frelsa sál]to save sb. [save one's soul]
fella e-ð [lauf, hár, tár o.s.frv.]to shed sth.
þræða e-ð [stíg, leið]to thread sth. [make one's way]
Unverified fremst í dalnum {adv}at the mouth of the valley [in S. Iceland]
atv. mat. eldabuska {kv}cookee [Am.] [coll.] [also: cookie] [female cook or cook's helper]
jólaskemmtun {kv} [barnaskemmtun haldin í tilefni af jólum]Christmas celebration [children's party]
átthagafjötrar {k.ft}economic shackles [not being able leave one's native region]
mat. kattartunga {kv} [súkkulaðiskífa](milk chocolate) langue de chat [chocolate cat's / cat tongue]
goðafr. álfabrenna {kv}[bonfire party on New Year's Eve and Holy Trinity Day (January 6)]
safna e-u [kjarki, kröftum, o.s.frv.]to muster (up) sth. [courage, strenght, etc.]
fleiðra e-ð [hendur, fætur, o.s.frv.]to scrape one's skin [hands, feet, etc.]
afmælisgrein {kv}[an article in a book, magazine or newspaper written on the occasion of someone's birthday]
lögfr. veðleyfi {hv} [leyfi til veðsetningar]lien [the right to hold another's property as security for a debt owed]
verða e-s auðið [e-m verður e-s auðið]to be blessed with sth.
verða e-s auðið [e-m verður e-s auðið]to manage to accomplish sth.
vera e-s vant [e-m er e-s vant]to lack sth. [sb. lacks sth.]
taka undir e-ð [söng, gleði o.s.frv.]to join in sth. [song, joy etc.]
andskotast til gera e-ð [talm.]to get one's thumb out of one's ass and do sth.
gras. T
vaka fyrir e-m [e-ð vakir fyrir e-m]to be sb.'s intention [sth. is sb.'s intention]
koma til hugar [e-ð kemur e-m til hugar]to come across sb.'s mind [sth. comes across sb.'s mind]
veðurfr. logn {hv} [0 vindstig, 0 - 0,2 m/s]calm [0 Bft]
spyrjast til e-s [sb. ekkert hefur spurst til e-s]to hear of sb. [cf. nothing has been heard of sb.]
dauðlanga í e-ð / til e-s [e-n dauðlangar í e-ð / til e-s]to really want sth.
verða e-m aldurtila [e-ð verður e-m aldurtila]to be the cause of sb.'s death [sth. is the cause of sb.'s death]
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