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Icelandic-English translation for: [etc.]
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Dictionary Icelandic English: [etc]

Translation 1 - 72 of 72

tilgerðarlegur {adj}affected [manners, speech etc.]
hábjartur {adj}bright [of daylight etc.]
yfirvofandi {adj}imminent [of thunderstorm, danger, crisis etc.]
út í hött {adj}insupportable [claim, conditions, etc.: not justifiable]
bíóm. hreyfður {adj} [kvikmynd]jittery [coll.] [of a video etc.]
aðskilinn {adj}separate [e.g. bathrooms, beds, etc.]
hugþekkur {adj}sympathique [place, atmosphere, etc.]
fornfrægur {adj}venerable [building, town, name, etc.]
stjórn. innlima e-ðto annex sth. [a territory, a country, etc.]
lögfr. eftirláta e-m e-ðto assign sb. sth. [property, rights etc.]
fara um borðto board sth. [the train, the ship, the plane, etc.]
stíga um borðto board sth. [the train, the ship, the plane, etc.]
hern. taka e-ð herfangito capture sth. [an enemy tank, etc.]
hern. taka e-ð herskyldito capture sth. [city, town, etc.]
útheimta e-ðto demand sth. [patience, belief etc.]
ljóstra e-u uppto divulge sth. [a secret, sensitive information, etc.]
dýr unga e-u útto hatch sth. [eggs; young birds, etc.]
yfirheyra e-nto interrogate sb. [a witness, a defendant, etc.]
útheimta e-ðto necessitate sth. [patience, belief etc.]
garð. landbún. uppskera e-ðto pick sth. [apples, potatoes, cotton, etc.]
útheimta e-ðto require sth. [patience, belief etc.]
viðhalda e-uto service sth. [machine etc.]
auðsýna e-m e-ðto show sb. sth. [warmth, kindness, etc.]
bólstra e-ðto upholster sth. [to fit chairs, sofas, etc. with upholstery]
brynna e-uto water sth. [horses, cattle, etc.]
mat. píska e-ðto whip sth. [eggs, cream etc.]
mat. þeyta e-ð [eggjahvítu, rjóma]to whip sth. [eggs, cream etc.]
bugðastto wind [of a river etc.]
hlykkjastto wind [street, river etc.]
semja e-ðto write sth. [song, script, etc.]
snyrtiv. krukka {kv}
jar [for skin cream, etc.]
aðsókn {kv}attendance [of a film, event, etc.]
mat. barborð {hv}bar [in a pub etc.]
bókasafn prent vísindi bókfræði {kv}bibliography [study of books, etc.]
bretti {hv}board [esp. wooden board; also: for games, diving board, etc.]
fjöl {kv}board [esp. wooden board; also: for games, diving board, etc.]
askja {kv}box [jewellery box, on newspaper page etc.]
eldspýtustokkur {k}box [matchbox, of crackers etc.]
pláss {hv} [farrými]class [on a ship, train, etc]
áklæði {hv}cover [for cushions etc.]
úrhrak {hv}dregs {pl} [fig.] [of society etc.]
mennt. fræðsla {kv}education [lessons, classes etc.]
innreið {kv}entry [of a group, delegation etc.]
viðgangur {k}growth [development in prosperity, strength, etc.]
hanki {k} [halda]handle [of cup, vase, etc.]
ferðaþ. fjár. stjórns. útgefandi {k}issuer [of a card, etc.]
vísindi lögmál {hv}law [of nature etc.]
pungur {k} [peningapungur, tóbakspungur]pouch [for tobacco etc.]
íþr. útkast {hv}punt [football, rugby etc.]
seiling {kv}range [maximum distance attainable, area of influence, etc.]
mælikvarði {k}scale [of a map, model, etc.]
tónleikaferð {kv}tour [of musicians, circus artists, actors etc.]
tónleikaferðalag {hv}tour [of musicians, circus artists, actors etc.]
2 Words: Others
fjölsóttur {adj}well patronized [restaurant, place of interest, etc.]
2 Words: Verbs
útheimta e-ðto call for sth. [patience, belief etc.]
taka undir e-ð [söng, gleði o.s.frv.]to join in sth. [song, joy etc.]
skella e-u í lásto lock sth. up [shop, factory, premises, etc.]
safna e-u [kjarki, kröftum, o.s.frv.]to muster (up) sth. [courage, strenght, etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
mennt. vísindi kennaralið {hv}(teaching) staff [school, university, etc.]
nafnspjald {hv}calling card [obs.] [business card etc.]
tölvufr. tölvuver {hv}computer lab [in schools, libraries etc.]
matsalur {k}dining room [in a hotel etc.]
veitingasalur {k}dining room [in a hotel etc.]
útgáf. prentskil {hv.ft}formal deposit {sg} [of a copy of a book etc. with an institution]
lögfr. nafnalög {hv.ft}naming laws {pl} [naming newborns, changing surname etc.]
3 Words: Others
neðanmáls {adv}below the line [of footnotes, etc]
veðurfr. úrkomumikill {adj}with high precipitation [rain, snow etc.]
veðurfr. úrkomusamur {adj}with high precipitation [rain, snow etc.]
veðurfr. úrkomulítill {adj}with low precipitation [rain, snow etc.]
3 Words: Verbs
fleiðra e-ð [hendur, fætur, o.s.frv.]to scrape one's skin [hands, feet, etc.]
4 Words: Verbs
vera á ferlito be up and about [all day etc., as early as]
5+ Words: Others
Unverified Hann fór fram.He went out into the hall. [into the corridor, etc]
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