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Dictionary Icelandic English: [e g]

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linna [e-u linnir]to cease [e.g. doing sth.]
tón. plokkun {kv} [strengjahljóðfæri]picking [i.e. using a pick on, e.g. a guitar]
hringiða {kv}eddy [e.g. wind]
aðskilinn {adj}separate [e.g. bathrooms, beds, etc.]
landaf. táknlykill {k}key [e.g. map legend]
íþr. bikarúrslitaleikur {k}cup final [e.g. football]
ígrunda e-ðto consider sth. [e.g. possibilities]
innlegg {hv}  umræðu]input [e.g. to a discussion]
úrlausn {kv}solution [also: to sth., e.g. a problem]
vísindi rökvísindi {hv.ft}formal science [e.g. logic, mathematics]
afboða e-ðto cancel sth. [e.g. an event]
affrysta e-ðto defrost sth. [e.g. the refrigerator]
afþíða e-ðto defrost sth. [e.g. the refrigerator]
vinnuhæli {hv}work centre [Br.] [e.g. for discharged patients]
vinnuheimili {hv}work centre [Br.] [e.g. for discharged patients]
rúmgóður {adj}spacious [containing much space, e.g. car, TV room, wardrobe]
þolmörk {hv.ft}maximum capacity {sg} [e.g. of a hospital]
mennt. kennsluvika {kv}week of school [e.g. last/first school week]
feldur {k}fur [thick fur, e.g. on a bear or fox]
loðskinn {hv}fur [thick fur, e.g. on a bear or fox]
þjónustukjarni {k}service center [where service is provided e.g. for seniors]
feykja e-u burtto blow sth. away [brush away, e.g. leaves]
feykja e-u burtto sweep sth. away [brush away, e.g. leaves]
Unverified formannssæti {hv}chairman's office [e.g. in a society or political party]
ljósm. skammsnið {hv}portrait format [as opposed to landscape / horizontal format, e.g. of images]
flug snertilending {kv}touch-and-go [landings followed immediately by takeoffs, e.g. for practice]
saga þurrabúð {kv} [gamalt]wage labor outside of agriculture [e.g. in fishing or fish processing]
einslega {adv}one-on-one [between two people, e.g. conversation, meeting]
forsmá e-n/e-ð [gamaldags]to scorn sb./sth. [e.g. help]
dagsetja e-ðto date sth. [to mark e.g. a check with a date]
munnstykki {hv}mouthpiece [e.g. on a wind instrument, a bridle, or a tobacco pipe]
gras. T
óa við e-u [e-n/e-m óar við e-u]to fear sth. [sb. fears sth.]
bjóða við [e-m býður við e-m/e-u]to disgust [sb./sth. disgusts sb.]
falla við [e-m fellur við e-n/e-ð]to like [sb. likes sb./sth.]
dauðlanga í e-ð / til e-s [e-n dauðlangar í e-ð / til e-s]to really want sth.
þroska e-n/e-ð [e þroskar e-n/e-ð]to develop sb./sth. [sth. develops sb./sth.]
þroska e-n/e-ð [e þroskar e-n/e-ð]to mature sb./sth. [sth. matures sb./sth.]
misminna [e-n misminnir e-ð]to be mistaken
blöskra [e-m blöskrar e-ð]to be shocked
áskotnast e-ð [e-m áskotnast e-ð]to acquire sth.
afmynda e-n [e afmyndar e-n]to distort sb.
Unverified ugga e-ð [e-n uggir e-ð]to fear sth.
finnast [e-m finnst e-ð]to feel [sb. feels sth.]
áskotnast e-ð [e-m áskotnast e-ð]to obtain sth.
yfirsjást e-ð [e-m yfirsést e-ð]to overlook sth.
yfirþyrma e-n [(e-ð) yfirþyrmir e-n]to overwhelm sb.
finnast [e-m finnst e-ð]to seem [sb. seems sth.]
undra [e-n undrar e-ð]to surprise [sth. surprises sb.]
finnast [e-m finnst e-ð]to think [sb. thinks sth.]
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