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Icelandic-English translation for: [and]
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Dictionary Icelandic English: [and]

Translation 1 - 64 of 64

valllendur {adj}[with a dry, smooth and dense surface]
barnalegur {adj}childish [pej.] [silly and immature]
vörpulegur {adj}handsome [big and strong]
alíslenskur {adj}Icelandic [through and through]
bókm. saga fornnorrænn {adj}Norse [relating to ancient and medieval Scandinavia]
okkur {pron}us [direct and indirect object]
þvottekta {adj}washable [keeps color and complexion]
ykkur {pron} [þf./þgf.]you [plural direct and indirect object] [informal]
Unverified kalla fram íto interrupt [with exclamations and comments]
fræðaþulur {k}[(old) man who knows and conveys ancient knowledge]
þulur {k} [fræðaþulur][(old) man who knows and conveys ancient knowledge]
fjandvinur {k}[a person who is at the same time enemy and friend]
áttræðisaldur {k}[age between 70 and 79]
goðafr. álfabrenna {kv}[bonfire party on New Year's Eve and Holy Trinity Day (January 6)]
dýr vonarpeningur {k}[cows that were sick and it was doubtful that they would survive]
aldarbragur {k}[customs and practices of a particular epoch]
aldarfar {hv}[customs and practices of a particular epoch]
aldarháttur {k}[customs and practices of a particular epoch]
landbún. jarðbönn {hv.ft}[land that is covered by ice or snow and is therefore unsuitable for grazing]
landbún. jarðleysa {kv}[land that is covered by ice or snow and is therefore unsuitable for grazing]
þrælapar {hv} [gamaldags][mismatched cup and saucer set]
veiðihlunnindi {hv.ft}[possibility of extra income from hunting and fishing]
íslenskufræðingur {k}[scholar in Icelandic language and literature]
landaf. kleif {kv}[steep and narrow section of a mountainside]
hagkerfi orkubúskapur {k}[supply and utilization of energy]
verslunarmannahelgi {kv}[the first weekend and Monday in August]
saga ástandið {hv} [samskipti íslenskra kvenna og breskra eða bandarískra hermanna á árum seinni heimsstyrjaldar][the relationships of Icelandic women with British and then American soldiers who came to occupy the country during World War II]
ljósvak þulur {k}announcer [on radio and TV]
ljósvak þula {kv}announcer [on radio and TV] [female]
atv. lögfr. fógeti {k} [embættismaður]bailiff [Br.] [court appointed eviction specialist and / or distrainor]
hringekja {kv}carousel [esp. Am. and Can., except for baggage]
skip flóabátur {k}coaster [intended for transportation within bays and fjords]
skip fiskibátur {k}coble [flat-bottomed fishing boat of a type used in Scotland and NE England]
hálsband {hv}collar [for dogs and cats]
mál. samkyn {hv}common [gender, combining m and f, but not n, in Dutch and Scandavian languages]
hirð {kv}court [household and entourage of a sovereign]
atorkusemi {kv}drive [energy and initiative]
vosbúð {kv}hardship [in storm and rain]
nútími {k}present [here and now]
mat. nesti {hv}provisions {pl} [supplies of food and drink for a journey]
tölfræði {kv}statistics [science that collects and interprets numerical data] [with singular verb]
vatn. Unverified kíll {k} [langur og djúpur lygn lækur]stream [long, deep and slow]
undirfyrirsögn {kv}subheading [of newspapers and books]
vörsluskattur {k}tax [levied on goods and services and must be returned to the Treasury]
Unverified látalæti {k}theatrics [used as both sg. and pl.] [pej.] [theatricals] [in behaviour]
Unverified leikaraskapur {k}theatrics [used as both sg. and pl.] [pej.] [theatricals] [in behaviour]
bakki {k}tray [for carrying food and drink]
2 Words: Nouns
atv. bíóm. tón. upptökumaður {k}balance engineer [esp. in classical music and movie production]
haugalygi {kv}barefaced lie [shameless and undisguised lie]
mat. viðsk. kaffisala {kv}coffee sales [esp. sale of coffee and side dishes]
mynt peningafölsun {kv}counterfeiting currency [of banknotes and coins]
uppvaxtarár {hv.ft}early years [childhood and adolescence]
uppvöxtur {k}early years [childhood and adolescence]
félagsfr jafnrétti {hv}equal rights [of men and women]
finngálkn {hv} [furðusagnakvikindi]fantasy creature [a cross between an animal and a human]
amboð {hv} [gamalt]hand tool [(wooden) hay and agricultural hand tool]
klifur ísöxi {kv}ice ax [Am.] [hiking and climbing tool used by mountaineers]
klifur ísöxi {kv}ice axe [hiking and climbing tool used by mountaineers]
líffærafr. vit {hv.ft}sense organs [esp. nose and mouth]
íþr. aðdáendaklúbbur {k}supporters' club [esp. football /soccer and rugby]
íþr. þrístökk {hv}triple jump [track and field event]
3 Words: Verbs
njótastto live to gather [as man and woman]
vistast hjá e-mto work in sb. home [and live there at the same time]
5+ Words: Nouns
veðurfr. norðangarður {k}sudden storm from the north [often with snow and frost, lasting for days]
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