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Icelandic-English translation for: [also]
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Dictionary Icelandic English: [also]

Translation 1 - 50 of 116  >>


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blindur {adj}blind [also fig.]
frjósamur {adj}fruitful [also fig.]
ástsjúkur {adj}moonstruck [also: moonstricken] [love-crazed]
fokheldur {adj}windproof [also: wind-proof]
vindheldur {adj}windproof [also: wind-proof]
vindþéttur {adj}windproof [also: wind-proof]
vega e-m/e-u [líka óeiginl.]to attack sb./sth. [also fig.]
dylja e-ðto conceal sth. [also fig.]
leyna e-uto conceal sth. [also fig.]
dýpka e-ðto deepen sth. [also fig.]
býtta e-u [gamalt]to exchange sth. [esp. currency, also words]
Unverified kjöldraga e-n [líka óeiginl.]to keelhaul sb. [also fig.]
axla e-ðto shoulder sth. [also fig.]
vera í broddi fylkingar [líka óeiginl.]to spearhead sth. [also fig.]
klæðskerasauma [líka óeiginl.]to tailor [also fig.]
dafnato thrive [also fig.]
hlykkjastto twist [squirm] [also fig.]
afflytja e-ðto twist sth. [also fig.]
snúa út úr e-u [líka óeiginl.]to twist sth. [also fig.]
leikandi {k}actor [also in film, theatre]
læknisfr. alnæmi {hv}AIDS [also: Aids]
læknisfr. eyðni {kv}AIDS [also: Aids]
bibl. postuli {k}apostle [also fig.]
snjóflóð {hv}avalanche [also fig.]
vakning {kv}awakening [also fig.]
bakdyr {kv.ft}backdoor [also fig.]
fuglafr. T
bretti {hv}board [esp. wooden board; also: for games, diving board, etc.]
fjöl {kv}board [esp. wooden board; also: for games, diving board, etc.]
líkami {k}body [also wine]
mál. bókmál {hv} [gerð norsku]Bokmål [standard Norwegian] [also spelt Bokmaal]
stjörnfr. Hjarðmaðurinn {k}Bootes [also: Boötes] <Boo> [constellation]
félagsfr borgarastétt {kv}bourgeoisie [also pej.]
eðlisfr. uppdrif {hv}buoyancy [of liquid] [also fig.]
fjár. lögfr. endurkrafa {kv}clawback [also: claw-back]
atv. mat. eldabuska {kv}cookee [Am.] [coll.] [also: cookie] [female cook or cook's helper]
kristöllun {kv}crystallisation [Br.] [also: crystalisation]
tón. feilnóta {kv}discord [also fig.]
aldin {hv}fruit [also fig.]
hjörð {kv}herd [also fig. pej.]
oflæti {hv}hybris [arrogance] [also: hubris]
fatn. íþr. pungband {hv}jockstrap [also: jock strap]
fatn. íþr. pungbindi {hv}jockstrap [also: jock strap]
vegferð {kv} [líka óeiginl.]journey [also fig.]
tón. nótnaborð {hv}keybed [also: key bed]
mál. kirgiska {kv}Kyrgyz [also: Kirghiz] [Kyrgyz language]
dýr apaköttur {k} [líka óeiginl.]monkey [also fig.]
fuglafr. T
íþr. kappganga {kv}racewalking [also: race walking]
haf {hv}sea [also fig.]
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