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Ensk-íslensk orðabók

Icelandic-English translation for: [a rock or cliffs sheltering elves]
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Dictionary Icelandic English: [a rock or cliffs sheltering elves]

Translation 1 - 50 of 494  >>

goðafr. álfaborg {kv}[a rock or cliffs sheltering elves]
Partial Matches
goðafr. álfaklettur {k}[a rock where elves live]
munnstykki {hv}mouthpiece [e.g. on a wind instrument, a bridle, or a tobacco pipe]
fúska [niðr.]to fudge [make or adjust in a false or clumsy way]
goðafr. álfasteinn {k}[a large rock which elfs are believed to live in]
dýr blástursop {hv}blowhole [of a whale or a dolphin]
leiklist leikskrá {kv}bill [a programme of entertainment at a theatre or cinema]
fyglingur {k}[person who rappels down cliffs to collect seabird eggs]
landaf. áll {k}[a deep groove in the bottom of a body of water or the sea]
útfylltur {adj}completed [a form or questionnaire]
nærstaddur {adj}present [at a location or event]
viðstaddur {adj}present [at a location or event]
goðafr. álfheimar {k.ft}[the world of the elves]
nærverandi {adj} [gamaldags]present [at a location or event]
fúlskeggjaður {adj} [órakaður]unshaved [for a week or so]
ferlíki {hv}beast [a very large or powerful thing]
líffærafr. kjúka {kv} [Phalange]bone [in a finger or toe]
húsg. veggskápur {k}cabinet [in, on or by a wall]
fylgd {kv}escort [protection or guidance on a journey]
hverfi {hv}neighborhood [Am.] [of a city or town]
hverfi {hv}neighbourhood [Br.] [of a city or town]
bókasafn bæjarbókasafn {hv}public library [of a town or city]
útfylla e-ðto complete sth. [a form or questionnaire]
veisluspjöll {hv.ft}[an act that ruins or disrupts a party]
segja e-u upp [áskrift]to discontinue sth. [a newspaper or periodical]
sverfa e-ðto file sth. [smooth or shape with a file]
feldur {k}fur [thick fur, e.g. on a bear or fox]
loðskinn {hv}fur [thick fur, e.g. on a bear or fox]
jarð. fjallahringur {k}mountain range [series of mountains forming a disc or semicircle]
fúaverja e-ðto impregnate sth. [soak or saturate sth. with a substance]
vatnsverja e-ðto impregnate sth. [soak or saturate sth. with a substance]
sikksakka [fara í bugðum]to zigzag [proceed in a zigzag line or course]
depill {k} [lítill blettur eða punktur]pinpoint [a very small or sharp point]
Unverified formannssæti {hv}chairman's office [e.g. in a society or political party]
vera fordæmisgefandito set a precedent [idiom] [establish a usage, tradition, or standard]
aldursforseti {k}president by seniority [the oldest person in a group or organization]
hnippa í e-nto nudge sb. [push to gain attention or give a signal]
ýta við e-mto nudge sb. [push to gain attention or give a signal]
félagsfr saga ómagi {k}[a person who is unable to support himself due to his youth, old age or illness]
veita e-ð [sakramenti og þ.h.]to administer sth. [give or apply in a formal way]
afmælisgrein {kv}[an article in a book, magazine or newspaper written on the occasion of someone's birthday]
bikkja {kv} [niðr.]nag [coll.] [often pej.] [a horse, esp. one that is old or in poor health]
steindaf pikrít {hv}picrite [rock]
grind {kv}lattice [framework or structure of crossed wood or metal strips]
fastsetja e-ðto set sth. [a deadline, a date; a price, a value]
mat. kandís {k}candy [esp. Br.] [rock candy]
mat. kandíssykur {k}candy [esp. Br.] [rock candy]
árefti {hv}[planks or stones placed on the beams of a traditional peat farm, supporting the peat of the roof]
landaf. forvaði {k}[navigable beach area at low tide along the rock wall by the sea]
vefjast tunga um tönn [e-m vefst tunga um tönn]to be at a loss for a response [sb. is at a loss for a response]
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