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Icelandic-English translation for: [án]
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Dictionary Icelandic English: [án]

Translation 1 - 42 of 42


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[óákv. grein án samsvörunar í íslensku]a
[óákv. grein á undan sérhljóði, án samsvörunar í íslensku]an
ern {adj}healthy [for an old person]
fullorðinslegur {adj}mature [behaves like an adult]
frumlega {adv}originally [in an original way]
eðlisgreindur {adj}smart [of an innate intelligence]
fjár. afskrifa e-ðto amortise sth. [Br.] [write off an asset]
afboða e-ðto cancel sth. [e.g. an event]
hern. taka e-ð herfangito capture sth. [an enemy tank, etc.]
þaðto come [have an orgasm]
taka e-ð sem dæmito consider sth. [take up as an example]
þylja e-ð upp [skv. minni, oft án fulls skilnings]to regurgitate sth. [give back or repeat, esp. something not fully understood]
veisluspjöll {hv.ft}[an act that ruins or disrupts a party]
afmælisgrein {kv}[an article in a book, magazine or newspaper written on the occasion of someone's birthday]
flóttasvipur {k}[an expression that tells that the person wants to flee]
mat. álegg {hv}[anything put on an open sandwich]
stjórn. þingfulltrúi {k}[person who is entitled to attend an association meeting or congress]
goðafr. fjöregg {hv} [egg]amulet [an egg that preserves the life of the person]
tölvufr. viðhengi {hv}attachment [of an email]
árarblað {hv}blade [of an oar]
líffr. getnaður {k}conception [fertilization of an embryo]
árarhlummur {k}handle [of an oar]
aflífun {kv}killing [of an animal, due to age, illness or injury]
saga hlóðaeldhús {hv}kitchen [with an open stone fireplace for cooking]
eiðstafur {k}oath [wording of an oath]
mál. frumstig {hv}positive [primary degree of an adjective or adverb]
árablað {hv}spoon [of an oar]
íþr. yfirburðasigur {k}walkaway [Am.] [an easily won contest]
2 Words: Others
próflaus {adv} [án ökuréttinda]without permission [driver's licence]
2 Words: Verbs
dýr prjónato rear (up) [of an animal on its hind legs]
2 Words: Nouns
viðsk. pöntunarnúmer {hv}catalogue number [for ordering an item to purchase]
verkamannalaun {hv.ft}employee's wages [of an unskilled worker]
læknisfr. fjölskyldusaga {kv}family history [presence of an illness in the family]
finngálkn {hv} [furðusagnakvikindi]fantasy creature [a cross between an animal and a human]
útgáf. prentskil {hv.ft}formal deposit {sg} [of a copy of a book etc. with an institution]
atv. mennt. framhaldsskólakennari {k}gymnasium teacher [teacher at an academic high school or Br. grammar school]
landaf. útey {kv}remote island [of an archipelago]
sálfræði Unverified áfallatjáning {kv} [án samþykkis áheyranda]trauma dumping
3 Words: Others
áveðurs {adv}against the wind [referring to a side of an object]
3 Words: Verbs
segja til sín [e-ð segir til sín]to have an effect [sth. has an effect]
aflífa e-ðto put sth. to sleep [kill an animal]
5+ Words: Verbs
vefjast tunga um tönn [e-m vefst tunga um tönn]to be at a loss for an answer [sb. is at a loss for an answer]
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